Design learning experiences for engaging and holistic education with support of emerging tech!
We address the common challenges in digital education which still delivers learning in a traditional way. Learners are required to consume displayed information, work through course materials and take tests to assess their knowledge. Even worse, most of learning focuses on cognitive outcomes (knowledge, information), while other aspects of learning such as values (value-based learning), emotions (affective learning) and the body (embodied learning) tend to be neglected. How can we redesign digital education and create engaging and holistic learning experiences using emerging tech?
Join us online on 09 Nov 2021
And team up to solve our challenge:
#9 / Emerging technologies for holistic learning (Berlin)
This challenge is about using emerging technologies to make learning more engaging and holistic! Want to brainstorm in international teams and propose innovative ideas on emerging technologies such as AR/VR/MR, AI & chatbots, wearables, hearables & robots in education? Sign-up & join-in!
Who can join?

Any questions?
Check out our schedule for the 24 hour DigiEduHack event on emerging technologies for engaging and holistic education!
08 November 22:00
SUBMISSION OF IDEAS Submit your idea for the hackathon, before we start the event on 9th November! Use the IDEA BUILDING CANVAS to prepare your idea in a team (you can find this canvas here) and upload your solution via an ONLINE SUBMISSION FORMULAR (link will be sent to registered participants). You can invite other participants to join you on working on your idea during the hackathon. The deadline for submitting the idea is 8th November 2021 at 22:00 Berlin time.
09 November 09:00
30 MIN SESSION IN ZOOM TO KICK-OFF THE DAY 09:00 - 09:30 CET We start with with a short overview of ideas which have been submitted a day before using the IDEA BUILDING CANVAS. You can also propose a new idea (alone or as a small group) on 9th November. You can invite other participants to join you on working on your idea during the hackathon. If you have no idea yet, no worries, you can listen and join the team you of your choice. We will finish with some hints and tips on how to self-organise your teamwork during the hackathon. AFTER THAT YOU CONTINUE WITH TEAMWORK.
09 November 10:00
SELF-ORGANISED WORK IN TEAMS 10:00 - 22:00 CET After the kick-off session you choose the idea you want to work on and join the teams of your choice to collaborate on the solution. The task for Day 1 is to choose the idea/team, contact the team members, agree on how you will work on the solution. and view the template "Solution Canvas" for submitting final solutions. The "internal" deadline for making a decision about the team and idea you want to work on is 09.10.2021, 22:00 Berlin time. The deadline for submitting final solutions is by the end of Day 2, 10.11.2021, 22:00 Berlin time. You can choose any time during Day 1 and Day 2 to work on the solution. Your team can use breakout rooms in Zoom, Google documents and other tools you feel are helpful for creating your final solution. In fact, you can also collaborate without a meeting, for example by writing together in a joint document such as Google Doc during the day, whenever you have time.
10 November 09:00
30 MIN SESSION IN ZOOM TO CATCH UP 09:00 - 09:30 CET All teams are welcome to attend this session to share your current status. You can ask any questions you have. The host & the mentors will support you in working on your solution. If you have nothing to ask, no worries, you can just join-in and listen to other teams and support other teams with your feedback! .
10 November 10:00
SELF-ORGANISED WORK IN TEAMS 10:00 - 19:00 CET After the kick-off meeting on Day 2, teams self-organise to collaborate on the solution until the end of the day. To create the solution you use the template "Solution Canvas". In your team you decide when and where you want to meet to work together. Your team can use breakout rooms in Zoom, Google documents and any other tools you feel are helpful for creating your final solution. In fact, you can also collaborate without a meeting, for example by writing together in a joint document such as Google Doc during the day, whenever you have time. THAN WE MEET FOR THE CLOSING SESSION IN ZOOM.
10 November 19:00
30 MIN CLOSING SESSION IN ZOOM Finally, we meet to close the challenge. All challenge participants are invited to attend this closing session. We start with a short wrap-up of the two days and give you hints and tipps on how to submit your final solution.
10 November 22:00
FINALLY YOU SUBMIT YOUR SOLUTION! The deadline for submitting the final solution in 10.11.2021, 22:00 Berlin time. After the event, the mentors will choose three best solutions and the challenge winners will be announced and designated to the DigiEduHack steering group, which then designate 10 to 12 finalists. The finalists are put up for a public vote. The 3 finalists with the most votes become the DigiEduHack 2021 Global Award. Each winner team will get 5000€ and will be a DigiEduHack Global Ambassador for 2021.
Everyone can become a DigiHackEdu winner! After the event, a challenge winner is designated by each host. All the challenge-winning solutions are assessed by the DigiEduHack steering group, which designate 10 to 12 finalists. The finalists are put up for a public vote. The 3 finalists with the most votes become the DigiEduHack 2021 Global Award winners. Each team will get 5000€ and will be a DigiEduHack Global Ambassador for 2021.

Mentors & Jury
This challenge is supported by these amazing, international mentors and jury!

Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem
Host & mentor
Professor Media & Communication, Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Prof. Dr. Gemma Tur
Professor for Education Research and Innovation, University of Balearic Islands, Spain

Prof. Dr. Moshe Leiba
Professor for Information Systems and Education, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv, Yaffo, Israel

Kamakshi Rajagopal
Senior researcher in instructional design and technology, KU Leuven

Patricia Brandalise Scherer Bassani
Professor/Researcher in Educational Technology, Feevale University, Brazil

Ebru Okatan
Community manager
Student in Digital Business, Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Downloads and links
1. Preliminary statement
Welcome to DigiEduHack. This set of rules is a body of principles governing DigiEduHack as a whole.
Each DigiEduHack challenge might have additional and/or specific rules. In case of doubt, please ask your challenge owner/host.
DigiEduHack is a hackathon that encourages collaboration, co-creation, and real-life change. Even if in the end three teams will be crowned as global winners, any solution uploaded on digieduhack.com can potentially have an impact on digital education. This reflects the spirit of DigiEduHack: you take part in this hackathon because you and your team members want to take action and contribute to solving an actual challenge.
DigiEduHack is free, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable. Please keep in mind these values when entering and taking part in a DigiEduHack challenge. Participants are expected to behave according to these values.Do support other teams, respect the differences, encourage, help, and include others. Be fair.
Do not shame, mock, attack, despise or hurt other participants. Be positive and remember to have fun: DigiEduHack is first and foremost a great experience where you are going to meet fantastic people, get new cool skills, grow your network.
Last but not least: in case of doubt, please contact either the owner of the challenge or the DigiEduHack central team contact@digieduhack.com
2. Rules
Prior to joining Digieduhack, you, as a participant, should pick a challenge. Most of the challenges have open recruitment; some challenges have conditional recruitment (be a student part of the challenge owner's institution for example). You can see the status of a challenge by checking its label on the "Challenges" page.
As a participant, you can only join/take part in one DigiEduHack challenge. You can join alone, or take part as a team. If you take part as a team, each team member should sign up for the challenge individually. The size of the teams is decided by each challenge owner. This size may vary from one challenge to another. The composition of a team is decided by the local challenge owners. Please refer to the documentation specific to the challenge you wish to join. In case of doubt, please contact the challenge owner.
As a participant, you are expected to take part in all/most of the activities organized by the challenge owner on 9-10 November 2021. Challenge owners can decide to make some or all activities mandatory, either before, during, or after their DigiEduHack event. Please refer to the planning of the challenge you joined for further info.
Your solution should be co-created and finalized during the DigiEduHack event you're taking part in. It's allowed to join with draft ideas, frameworks, ideas, and concepts. It's not allowed to join DigiEduHack with a ready-made and/or ready-to-be-rolled-out solution or to use a ready-made and/or ready-to-be-rolled-out solution as a base for your co-creation process: you cannot re-work an already existing solution during DigiEduHack. You can get inspiration from an existing solution but plagiarism, copy, and/or any other form of treachery or deception are totally forbidden. In case of a breach of at least one rule in this paragraph, the challenge owner/host will ultimately decide on the applicable sanction (see infra 2.8). You can use open source resources if you clearly attribute the sampled part(s) to their original creator(s) and if the sampled part(s) is a minor component of your solution.
DigiEduHack is a multilevel hackathon where each challenge owner chooses one winning solution and might choose one or several runner-ups. Each challenge owner has their own judging grid to assess submitted solutions: please contact your challenge owner for more details. All the winning solutions (NOT the runner-ups) enter the global competition where the DigiEduHack steering group chooses 10 to 12 finalists based on the criteria available here. These 10 to 12 finalist solutions are uploaded on a platform to be submitted to a public vote. The three solutions that gather the most votes are declared global winners.
At the end of the event you are taking part in, follow and respect your challenge owner's instructions on when to stop working on your solution and on where, how, and when your solution will be assessed: pay especially attention to mandatory pitching/demo sessions and upload requirements. You had no time to finish? No worries: notify it during your pitch/demo/upload in the description of your project. All the solutions created during DigiEduHack 2021 should be uploaded on digieduhack.com. Solutions uploaded to digieduhack.com are made public under the DigiEduHack intellectual property guidelines.
Only ONE team member should upload the team's solution on digieduhack.com, and only ONE solution per team should be uploaded. A team can only upload a solution for a challenge they are registered for and actually took part in. Before starting the upload process, please check the solution upload guidelines. To upload your solution digieduhack.com: login, go to "upload your solution" and follow the steps.
Participants or teams can be disqualified and excluded from DigiEdUhack for breaking one of the aforementioned rules/preliminary statements. If a single participant in a team breaks a rule, the participant will be excluded from their team and from DigiEduHack. The rest of the team can keep taking part in DigiEduHack. If a team as a whole breaks a rule, they will be excluded from DigiEduHack. Each challenge owner decides in full discretion on exclusions for their own event. The DigiEduHack central team decides in full discretion on exclusions for the global competition. Exclusions are definitive. Solutions that break the rules described in 2.4 will be disqualified. If a winning solution is disqualified, the challenge owner will organize a second deliberation and announce a new winner. If a finalist solution or a global winning solution is disqualified, the Steering group as a whole or in a smaller quorum will assess a new finalist solution, and a new public vote will take place.
Frequently asked questions
We are working on the content for this page. Please feel free to contact us directly if any questions
If you got immediate questions, then please contact one of the organisers

Our Solutions

The product is a social network for learning purposes. The solution will provide a wide range of courses from many universities over the world. In addition every registered student to the service will be able to post, ask questions and comment on a subject or topic he would like to participate in.
Coping with death of loved ones during this pandemic ? this pandemic not letting follow your passion in art? we are here to spread joy through toy based phygital interactive experience.Introducing SOBA, Bringing AR-VR experience right at your door.
The materials delivered to students will be taught by infographics shown in VR technology.
People tend to process visualized information better than text. Most educational institutes’ teaching methods are old and complicated to process.
Spending time on social media is especially problematic for teenagers and children. We don't train our brain, when we use social networks, we mostly waste our time without any benefit. So we try to motivate or get people to take a little distraction from social networks.
We want to introduce a basic operations in computer science by building a Custom game for children in elementary school and insert it as part of the compulsory study.
Our app is the promise to all people who want to learn successfully. You don't just learn content for the next test, you learn for life. It teaches how to learn in a modern and innovative way. With a lot of motivation and discipline, our app becomes a fun helper for everyone.
Students don’t engage in the classroom with the subjects learned. The students don’t absorb the information and forget the material after a short while. We suggest using immersive tech AR VR and the Meta-Verse to engage the students in the subjects we wish them to learn about.
Traditional learning methods these days becoming more and more irrelevant due to emerging technologies.
At work, employees struggle to fit in and catch up on the job training, including meeting new people, understanding the organizational structure.
Our Idea will help solve this problem.
The change we want to make is that children will be able to assess whether the information they consume in the Internet is reliable and correct, or a source of information that is better not to rely on.
our application is ment to help the students practice their knowledge hands-on and give diagnosis before meeting real patients,
so they will be more effective and experienced.
Create an integration between the instant messaging tools with the video conference tools with the teaching information system.
For example add an option to start a lecture for a WhatsApp group that will work in Zoom and it will be integrated with shared whiteboard / writing tool
a tablet screen that displays tactile text and graphics in real time in a way that will enable blind people to have near the same experience as a non-visually impaired users.
Website for elementary school children, whether reading clips or videos of the teachers teaching.hildren will have various play activities that will test their understanding there will be a social network on the site where students and teachers can communicate and ask questions, share information
The idea is to make glasses that take photos from the board in the classroom and reads what is written in the picture through headphones that are attached to the glasses. The idea can be applied in all educational frameworks. The users are visually impaired.
Do you study from recorded lesson ? Have you ever felt frustrated when you only have a small question but need to watch 2 hour lesson to find an answer? Have ever needed quick response from your lecturer ? TalkToLearn is the app for you!
For many people, learning is tiring and arduous in most cases. We would like to use the digital technology available to us to have fun while learning, to repeat exercises, to make the current level comparable with friends and to set up a reward system after each successful completion.
Handwriting is a complex and not spontaneous activity. The visuo-perceptive ability in the learning of letters is an important part in such an educational process. Poor letter memorization and incorrect motor programming can negatively affect the handwriting learning process
A platform aimed to help people learn new languages using VR technology combined with gaming tools and AI.
What's the concept?
We make kids empathize with children being excluded. VR makes it possible to change perspectives!
You think that's all? By far not.
Adding to the VR experience, we designed an app, inspiring each kid to reflect on their experiences, call them to action & making real change happen.
The process begins with a regular lesson on an online platform.
In today's world, we have a variety of people and behavior patterns that we want to address appropriately.
Our algorithm is able to identify behaviors with our AI technology and rate them accordingly.