Your best learning experience - TalkToLearn
Do you study from recorded lesson ? Have you ever felt frustrated when you only have a small question but need to watch 2 hour lesson to find an answer? Have ever needed quick response from your lecturer ? TalkToLearn is the app for you!

Team: TalkToLearn
Team members
Maayan Zuckerberg, Shiran Guzman, Yahav MenasheMembers roles and background
Maayan Zuckerberg
Shiran Guzman
Yahav Menashe
We are all students of 3rd yeard in the MTA College for BSc in Information Systems.
Contact details
Solution description
Our final product is a mobile-app based on Voice-Ai , Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing technology.
Digital education for us is the ability to learn from everywhere and quickly acquire knowledge. Our app will allow students to find the information they need based on their recorded lessons. With just a simple “Tap to Talk” students can use voice and ask a question . An answer will be provided to them based on the recordings .
The success of the app will be measured by number of downloads, plus the rating it will get on app stores.
The solution will provide benefits to the challenge owner by saving time for students giving them immediate answers to their questions.
Solution context
Today's Students are used to get real-time , immediate answers to their questions and inquires. Re-reading a full book or re-watching a 2 hours of lesson recording is sometimes a time-consuming task if you are studying for a final exam and just want to quickly recall a certain question or piece of information which was mentioned during a class.
Solution target group
Our target group are students in any age or location whose academic institute provides recorded lessons.
Solution impact
We will be able to measure the impact by a poll which will sample students for their learning duration before exams and measure their satisfaction .
Solution tweet text
Have you ever missed a class and wished to have a buddy that you will be able to query on what was taught in your lesson? Have you ever wished to get a quick response to a question you have based on what was learnt in a zoom class? Now you have a solution - TalkToLearn!Solution innovativeness
Our solution is different from other solutions provided in the market simply because it focuses on the digital education domain. We found that other solutions in the market like Alexa, HeyGoogle, LivePerson are provided for other purposes which are more commercial related.Also while other solutions are using Google and Amazon indexed data, our solution will use data from lessons recordings of the student’s college/university.
Solution transferability
Can your solution be used in other contexts? What parts can be applied to other contexts?
Our solution might be transferable - mainly the voice-ai and NLP engine which will be used to process the user speech into text.
Solution sustainability
We plan to do some surveys & deep dive on users research to see the demand and need coming from the field, and based on that to consult with professional personnel working in the field to understand the feasibility of our solution.
Solution team work
Our teamwork went really well with high collaboration between us. We definitely will be able to work in the future.