NLP algorithm which will be able to provide an info assessment
The change we want to make is that children will be able to assess whether the information they consume in the Internet is reliable and correct, or a source of information that is better not to rely on.
Team: 21_correct-information
Solution description
Product is based on web browser extension. The extension will provide insights for the information displayed on the user's web page.
Insights will provide the user with accuracy measures regarding information reliability in a scale of 1 to 10.The extension is based NLP algorithm along with ML and AI to determine the level of reliability, based on text, pictures, site's domain, author within the site, and also cross search the web for similar information to improve algorithm accuracy.
Solution context
Globalization constantly increases the amount of information available online. While some of the information is accurate and reliable, other might not be.
Solution target group
Solution impact
Showing information reliability score
Solution tweet text
The change we want to make is that children will be able to assess whether the information they consume in the Internet is reliable and correct, or a source of information that is better not to rely on.Solution innovativeness
NLP, AI and ML technologies innovation
Solution transferability
Not sure
Solution sustainability
Haven't got into that
Solution team work
Not sure