educational and interactive application to implement knowledge
our application is ment to help the students practice their knowledge hands-on and give diagnosis before meeting real patients,
so they will be more effective and experienced.

Team: medicine_students
Team members
shani shlosh, nina semrakMembers roles and background
we tried to encourage the rest of the group to take part, although we both are working but there wasn't much collaboration, unfortunately
Contact details
Solution description
our final product is the application. the application will contain a human body sketch (according to the specific specialty of the user) and files of cases. the user will choose a file, get a list of symptoms and feelings of the patient and will have to recommend on the acuurate treatment, and mark on the human body the relevant parts the have to be treated.
the solution encourages the use of technology during the studies since its mobile and more interactive and accessable to the user.
the success of the application can be measured by the percent of students who passed their tests before and after using the app and by their skills and level before and after.
Solution context
The main challenge was to combine a variety of data into one solution that will suit a large audience that is not necessarily technological and needs a practical solution.
In addition, the system must know how to give the appropriate solutions to different scenarios in the fields of holistic medicine through dedicated technologies that will be assimilated into the system.
Solution target group
our solution is ment for holistic medicine students
Solution impact
the impact of the application can be measured by the percent of students who passed their tests before and after using the app and by their skills and level before and after.
Solution tweet text
interactive way of studying and practicing medicine through your phone!Solution innovativeness
our project is unique by providing accessability to the holistic medicine students to learn in a way that is more than just text books.
there is some similar products on the market
Solution transferability
yes. out solution can be used in a veriaty of degree subjects.
Solution sustainability
we plan on expanding the idea and create a proto type of the app screen
Solution team work