Norwich - Challenging the Foundations of Climate Change Education with Teal Tool - DigiEduHack 2021

Norwich - Challenging the Foundations of Climate Change Education with Teal Tool


Co-create the future of climate change education together with us!

Join our WEMC Teal tool DigiEduHack on 9-10 November 2021. We will be working together to co-create the future of climate change education. We have expert mentors supporting the team during the hackathon work to further and bolder towards reaching solutions towards using visual climate data for general education on climate change.

Join us online on 9-10 Nov 2021
And team up to solve our challenge:

#45 / Online visualisation of climate data for climate change awareness

We are excited to welcome you to WEMC's Teal tool DigiEduHack. As a participant, you are the heart of the hackathon. Join us in using climate data visualisation for effective climate change awareness raising and education.

Who can join?


Teachers or educators



Education professionals

idea facilitators

Any questions?

Check the most commonly asked questions in our FAQ. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, you can contact us!


All times indicated are in Europe/London timezone

Check out our schedule for the 24 hour DigiEduHack event.

08 November 00:00

Meet and greet: 12:15 - 13:15 UTC

An introductory online session will be held to meet your mentors and fellow participants to allow you to get to know each other as a team.

09 November 00:00

Hackathon Day 1: 09:00 - 13:00 UTC

10 November 00:00

Hackathon Day 2: 09:00 - 13:15 UTC


This year we will be working under the ‘Challenging the Foundations of Education’ theme. This is centred around the idea that the digital transformation and the daily use of technologies is challenging fundamental aspects of education, transforming education models and changing the way we learn, teach and assess. Your pitch will be judged on Quality, Originality, Feasibility, Transferability and Sustainability. Your solutions should clearly address a digital education issue with a potential positive impact. We will use the Teal tool in the challenge, aiming for a solution that shows how visual climate data can be used to enhance climate specific education. All participants will receive a certificate of participation. The local challenge winning team will proceed to the international judging round for global voting and the top scoring solution will win €5000.

Mentors & Jury

You will be supported by these amazing mentors and judges! Mentors will work with you to: • inspire, advise and support . • help you go that extra-mile to transform a great solution into an amazing solution ready for proofing from start to finish! Judges will evaluate your pitches at the end.

P. Boorman.jpeg

Penny Boorman


WEMC, Data Engineer

K. Nielsen.jpg

Kristian Nielsen


WEMC, Data Engineer

Roberta Boscolo.jpg

Roberta Boscolo


World Meteorological Organization, Scientific director for Climate & Energy


Dr Clare Goodess


Senior Research Fellow, Climatic Research Unit

1. Preliminary statement



Welcome to DigiEduHack. This set of rules is a body of principles governing DigiEduHack as a whole.
Each DigiEduHack challenge might have additional and/or specific rules. In case of doubt, please ask your challenge owner/host. 


DigiEduHack is a hackathon that encourages collaboration, co-creation, and real-life change. Even if in the end three teams will be crowned as global winners, any solution uploaded on can potentially have an impact on digital education. This reflects the spirit of DigiEduHack: you take part in this hackathon because you and your team members want to take action and contribute to solving an actual challenge.


DigiEduHack is free, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable. Please keep in mind these values when entering and taking part in a DigiEduHack challenge. Participants are expected to behave according to these values.Do support other teams, respect the differences, encourage, help, and include others. Be fair. 
Do not shame, mock, attack, despise or hurt other participants. Be positive and remember to have fun: DigiEduHack is first and foremost a great experience where you are going to meet fantastic people, get new cool skills, grow your network.


Last but not least: in case of doubt, please contact either the owner of the challenge or the DigiEduHack central team


2. Rules


Prior to joining Digieduhack, you, as a participant, should pick a challenge. Most of the challenges have open recruitment; some challenges have conditional recruitment (be a student part of the challenge owner's institution for example). You can see the status of a challenge by checking its label on the "Challenges" page.


As a participant, you can only join/take part in one DigiEduHack challenge. You can join alone, or take part as a team. If you take part as a team, each team member should sign up for the challenge individually. The size of the teams is decided by each challenge owner. This size may vary from one challenge to another. The composition of a team is decided by the local challenge owners. Please refer to the documentation specific to the challenge you wish to join. In case of doubt, please contact the challenge owner.


As a participant, you are expected to take part in all/most of the activities organized by the challenge owner on 9-10 November 2021. Challenge owners can decide to make some or all activities mandatory, either before, during, or after their DigiEduHack event. Please refer to the planning of the challenge you joined for further info.


Your solution should be co-created and finalized during the DigiEduHack event you're taking part in. It's allowed to join with draft ideas, frameworks, ideas, and concepts. It's not allowed to join DigiEduHack with a ready-made and/or ready-to-be-rolled-out solution or to use a ready-made and/or ready-to-be-rolled-out solution as a base for your co-creation process: you cannot re-work an already existing solution during DigiEduHack. You can get inspiration from an existing solution but plagiarism, copy, and/or any other form of treachery or deception are totally forbidden. In case of a breach of at least one rule in this paragraph, the challenge owner/host will ultimately decide on the applicable sanction (see infra 2.8). You can use open source resources if you clearly attribute the sampled part(s) to their original creator(s) and if the sampled part(s) is a minor component of your solution.


DigiEduHack is a multilevel hackathon where each challenge owner chooses one winning solution and might choose one or several runner-ups. Each challenge owner has their own judging grid to assess submitted solutions: please contact your challenge owner for more details. All the winning solutions (NOT the runner-ups) enter the global competition where the DigiEduHack steering group chooses 10 to 12 finalists based on the criteria available here. These 10 to 12 finalist solutions are uploaded on a platform to be submitted to a public vote. The three solutions that gather the most votes are declared global winners.


At the end of the event you are taking part in, follow and respect your challenge owner's instructions on when to stop working on your solution and on where, how, and when your solution will be assessed: pay especially attention to mandatory pitching/demo sessions and upload requirements. You had no time to finish? No worries: notify it during your pitch/demo/upload in the description of your project.  All the solutions created during DigiEduHack 2021 should be uploaded on Solutions uploaded to are made public under the DigiEduHack intellectual property guidelines.


Only ONE team member should upload the team's solution on, and only ONE solution per team should be uploaded. A team can only upload a solution for a challenge they are registered for and actually took part in. Before starting the upload process, please check the solution upload guidelines. To upload your solution login, go to "upload your solution" and follow the steps.


Participants or teams can be disqualified and excluded from DigiEdUhack for breaking one of the aforementioned rules/preliminary statements. If a single participant in a team breaks a rule, the participant will be excluded from their team and from DigiEduHack. The rest of the team can keep taking part in DigiEduHack. If a team as a whole breaks a rule, they will be excluded from DigiEduHack. Each challenge owner decides in full discretion on exclusions for their own event. The DigiEduHack central team decides in full discretion on exclusions for the global competition. Exclusions are definitive. Solutions that break the rules described in 2.4 will be disqualified. If a winning solution is disqualified, the challenge owner will organize a second deliberation and announce a new winner. If a finalist solution or a global winning solution is disqualified, the Steering group as a whole or in a smaller quorum will assess a new finalist solution, and a new public vote will take place.






Frequently asked questions

We are working on the content for this page. Please feel free to contact us directly if any questions

If you got immediate questions, then please contact one of the organisers

No hay organizadores

Established in 2015, the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) is an organisation based at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. We work with stakeholders around the world to promote and enhance interaction between the energy industry and the weather, climate and broader environmental sciences community.

Our Solutions

#DigiEduHack #DigiEduHackNorwich - Challenging the Foundations of Climate Change Education with Teal Tool

Our challenge, your solutions
Online visualisation of climate data for climate change awareness
We are excited to welcome you to WEMC's Teal tool DigiEduHack. As a participant, you are the heart of the hackathon. Join us in using climate data visualisation for effective climate change awareness raising and education.
Mobilising climate action through enhancing climate literacy

Teal Education will allow people from every corner of the globe to access information about climate change.​

The aim of the tool is to educate adults about the causes and effects of climate change, as well as ways to get involved through climate action.

DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital