

Help find solutions to some of the world’s toughest digital education challenges

The digital transformation is accelerating with the rapid advance of new technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing and blockchain. Digital technologies and education can empower people to articulate and engage, participate and shape the future.

Access and Availability

Availability and access to digital infrastructures and technologies are becoming increasingly important. Being connected to the Internet is a prerequisite for schools to access up-to-date resources and online learning platforms.

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Challenging the Foundations of Education

The digital transformation and the daily use of technologies is challenging fundamental aspects of education, transforming education models and changing the way we learn, teach and assess.

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Learning Spaces and Pedagogies

In teaching, learning and assessment, digital technologies can offer innovative, purposeful and effective ways of engaging both teachers and students.

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The Learning Experience

The individual learning experience can be made more authentic and better connected to the real-world with a learner-centered approach using digital technologies.

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Individual Competences

Digital skills and competences are needed by everyone, for active citizenship and for the job market.

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Organizational Capability

The use of digital technologies provides opportunities for innovative curriculum design and delivery, and supports novel assessment practices on all educational levels.

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Emerging Technologies for Education

We may not see humanoid robots acting as teachers within the next decade, but there are already many projects using computer intelligence to help students and teachers get more out of the educational experience.

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Data-driven education

Educational institutions hold much information on their students - attendance, progress, favorite subjects, grades, and test scores. Big data can assist educational institutions and the students themselves in understanding weaknesses and strengths.

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Your challenge doesn't fit into these areas? Let us know and we can add it in.

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We support you!

We are happy that you are joining or planning to join the host community. And we are supporting you all along the process, from building your challenge to recruiting participants to organising your first online hackathon! We have guides, resources, webinars, community event ready to help you all the way. . Check out our ressource page and follow us on Twitter @DigiEduHack to get the latest updates! 

Do you need more info? Drop us a line!