

Our challenge, your solutions

Enabling demanding software accessibility without frontiers.

We are a platform that helps STEM Students and institutions who want to increase their accessibility to hardware demanding programs like autoCAD, Revit, Adobe Photoshop or Premiere.


Team: Class-Pet

Team members

Juan Diego Oliva Heinsen, Luis Tonatiuh de Jesus Ramirez Tadeo, Jesus Maya Pedraza.

Members roles and background

Jesus Abraham Maya Pedraza: International relations and social sciences student, Social entrepreneur: founder of Popotépetl, National Youth Prize 2018, Young innovator creating a better world for all 2019 award by WEF. SDSN student hub Qro solutions coordinator. His mission: Aspire to inspire.

Juan Diego Oliva Heinsen: Engineer in Sustainable Development, part of the evaluation team at the UNESCO YAR Program and Founder @ Sprout, a startup that focuses on developing sustainable solutions with the sole goal to take root in sustainability.

Luis Tonatiuh de Jesus Ramírez Toledo: Curious Business Administration and Strategy Student, resilient entrepreneur, co-founder of the clothing brand Tukán.

Contact details

Solution description

We are offering a platform that helps STEM Students and institutions who want to increase their accessibility to hardware demanding programs like autoCAD, Revit, Adobe Photoshop or Premiere. The main goal of this platform is to decrease the technological lag in the current higher education system. This will be crucial towards mitigating the dropout rate of higher education in Latin American institutions.

Solution context

Which could be a simpler way to understand this business? 

Class-pet works as an online cyber-cafe that offers the possibility to use high-end software from anywhere, regardless of how advanced or basic the user’s device is.

On the other hand of the platform, the system receives data as an input; such as the number of students that acquired a new skill,the students’ learning satisfaction opinion, and many other factors that can be measured; so that the machine can process it, analyze it and provide valuable feedback through a digital dashboard that shows the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for every student. 

With the detailed analysis the teacher can take smarter decisions and apply specific strategies based on the students type of learning,in order to level-up the performance and learning progress of every single student. 

Solution target group

Our solution is targetted towards higher education institutions that have STEM students and teachers looking to promote the accesibility, learning development, enrichment of information and access to high-demanding software.

For the teachers, the solution looks to display KPIs for each student and will help these mentors/peers increase their lesson value depending on the strenghts and weaknesses of each student.

Solution impact

We foster the development of SDG 4. We create learning validation, by measuring the number of Students that acquire a new skill with our cloud platform, and by the information and KPIs brought by professors.

Solution tweet text

Enabling accessibility without frontiers with the world’s higher education community, so that all students, educators and institutions can work together and prepare the next generation of tech-friendly professionals.

Solution innovativeness

In our segmented market we focus on somthing that's never been done before. The only way that peer-to-peer tech worked for systems outside of campus was through a program called TeamViewer but most institutios have avoided using because of constant security breaches as most of the networks are connected through a single network.

Our service is similar to GeForce experience, just that instead of running videogames we run high-demand software for STEM courses such as AutoCAD, REVIT, Maya, Cinema 4D, Photoshop... you name it.

Solution transferability

Our business model is highly replicable not only because we can reach STEM Institutions, but also reach Social and environmental studies, business and entrepreneurship, arts and many other fields with the passage of time. Once the higher education sector has proven that it works, why not make this solution accessible for High Schools or even small companies?

Solution sustainability


  • Empowering students with technological skills to foster tools, solutions, and profiles for tackling the challenges ahead.
  • Enabling affordable and accesible education to unattended targets.



• Education has been proved to increase overall awareness on environmental topics.

• With majors adopting classes and topics on sustainability, professionals would arrive into their fields well-versed in general topics of sustainability



• Affordable and easy to replicate in educational institutions.

• Modernizes the labor market.

• Better jobs, means an overall appraisal of innovation, giving future professional a better socioeconomic development.

Solution team work

We are a multidisciplinary team with diverse backgrounds, cultures and entrepreneurial perspectives. Honestly, we had a lot of fun and never found ourselves stressed out or in a rush to end the whole hackathon.

* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.

DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital