Our challenge, your solutions

Our Aim, Your Education

Gen Z can move forward if only their teachers are not just literate but digital literate too.


Team: FA2H

Team members

Abeera, Famia, Huda, Aqsa, Hifza, Hakeema

Contact details


Solution description

the solution we created is a web portal for teachers. We will provide teachers with interactive videos of different digital technologies that can be used in education with their usage. teachers will not only learn from the videos but also they will be assessed on the basis of their learning. If they pass the exam then they will be awarded with the HEC accredited certificate which will later on help them in their professional life. The teachers will then be able to use their learning of digital technologies in their pedagogies to enhance students learning. Now the learning from our web portal not only remained to teachers but also learned by students too thus making digital literacy accessible for all. The enhanced students learning will show the improvement in our education system and our youth and that will be the success of our solution.

Solution context

the problem we are facing are the digital illiterate teachers who are unknown to digital tools and their usage.

Solution target group

Teachers especially women. Our solution will affect not just teachers but also their students. Because when the teacher will use digital technologies in their pedagogies it will not only enhances their students learning but also students will learn about the digital tools too. So our solution will not only benefit the teachers but also their students. They will benefit from the digital tools and the improved education system will be seen.

Solution impact

An improved education system and methods of teaching will be seen. An yearly survey for digital literate teachers will be done to measure the proper impact of our solution.

Solution tweet text

Digital literacy(DiGiLiT) of teachers, by the teachers, for the students.

Solution innovativeness

The interactive videos of digital technologies with their usage in education also the exam after the completion of learning id what makes us different and original. The chances of finding something similar like us in the market are very low. The interactive videos will not only benefit the teachers but students can also benefit from them and later on tutors can also join it.

Solution transferability

yes it can be used in other context too. The informational and interactive videos of digital technologies can be applied to other context as well.

Solution sustainability

We've planned to charge our users with the lowest possible fee of subscription and with the advent of modern times we see our solution growing and helping people around the world.

Solution team work

We worked well as a team of six. We can continue working as a team but maybe one or two people might drop out from our team as they weren't interested and collaborative enough.


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital