

Resources for hosts

We are here for you!

Camila comes from the south pole in Chile to the north pole in Finland! She is the community manager of iCubo UDD and she is passionate about Social Media (SoMe) because for her it is the best place for sharing and communicating new ideas & experiences to the world.

Nowadays, Camila is supporting the SoMe of DigiEduHack 2021!

Graduated in Social Sciences in 1997 from Åbo Akademi University, Ida has pursued a career in high-tech and education.

After a long time as an Education Policy Manager in Nokia headquarters until 2012, Ida changed radically her career to a more hands-on job at Apple, where she worked directly with schools in order to enhance the usage of technology in learning.

Since 2019 Ida has joined Aalto University and is the project manager for DigiEduHack. She proudly contributed to the success of the first and second edition!

After being the communication and brand manager of the Stade de France and after 10 years of freelancing in photography/graphic design, Laurent Chmiel settled in the cosy offices of Aalto University to join the DigiEduHack team as a communication specialist.

Laurent will help the hosts in all their visual, communication, social media matters.
Throw him your most challenging issues!

Soili has a bachelor degree in business administration and she has more than 20 years of experience working with demanding international tasks in governmental positions and with Aalto University since 2008.

Today she works full time as a Coordinator at Aalto University for EIT-related projects. 
Soili already supported the 2019 and the 2020 editions of DigiEduHack. 

They are the heart and soul of this edition of DigiEduHack! Check out all the members of the DigiEduHack 2021 steering group here!

All you need to know as a host, in one place!

this guide contains absolutely everything you need to know about organising your DigiEduHack challenge. We give you step by step tutorial on all the things tat matter for a host, from gathering your initial core crew together to suggestions on how to wrap-up your event day! 

Fully navigable, super practical. 
Easy to use and easy to share. 
In pdf format. 

> Download your copy of the Complete Guide for Hosts

If you have a question, contact us!

All the benefits of joining DigiEduHack as a host, in a guide! 

Easy to use and easy to share. 
In pdf format. 

> Download your copy of the "Join as a Host" guide 

If you have a question, contact us!

All you need to run your online hackathon!

This list of curated tools for hackathons is in constant evolution. Come back and check it often!

It is based on the "Typology of Free Web-based Learning Technologies (2020)" by Matt Bower and Jodie Torrington (Macquarie University, Australia), available here

You would like to add a tool to the list? Contact us!

You can use these LMS/assessment tools as a platform to run your online hackathon. 
Please refer to the Complete Host Book for (much) more details on how to run an online hackathon! 

ClassMarker (freemium)
Quizzlet (free)

PeerWise (free, but you need to be part of a university that is implicated in the project) 

CoboCards (free)

GoSoapBox (free up to 30 participants if you're an educator/teacher)


FreeSound one of the oldest (and free) sound database on internet (free) 


Soundation record, mix, edit online (free, advanced) 

Vocaroo record, mix, edit online (free, beginner)

Audacity THE reference for anything audio (free, software) 


Soundcloud share and organise your audio producations (free) 

Chirbit share and organise your audio producations (free)


Screencast record your screen (free) 

YouTube Editor record, mix, add text and more (free, beginner)

VideoToolbox record, mix, add text and more (free, advanced)


Vimeo share your videos (freemium) 

YouTube share your videos (free)

Slack advanced chat board (free, some limitations apply)

RocketChat advanced chat board (free if self-hosted, open-source)

MatterMost advanced chat board (free if self-hosted, open-source)

OpenStreetMap tag, map, share, customize (free, open-source)

GoogleMaps tag, map, share, customize (free)

Although you don't need a dedicated hackathon platform to run your hackathon, using one will help you to corral your participants through a journey that will help them to deliver the best possible solution to your challenge. Please take a note that all these platforms are pay-per-use. 

DigiEduHack LMS free (under certain conditions) and super easy to use (available mid-August 2020)

Taikai one of the simplest to use yet most advanced platforms, with a great blockchain-based judging system. The huge plus: the "Taikai for Good" program that grants free access to the platform and all its features for educational institutions, research institutions, and non-profit organisation (with a limitation to 50 participants per hackathon) 

DevPost a heavyweight player in the segment. Advanced and expensive (1500$ per month)

Agorize a hi-end, dev-oriented platform. Advanced. Price on request.

Mettl versatile and customisable platform. Prices starting at 3500$ for a 10 to 50 participants hackathon.


Sketchpad draw, share, print (free)

Slimber draw, share, print and replay (free)

DAGRAMS super adavanced diagrams tool with Git integration (freemium, with amazing free features) diagrams and flowcharts (free)

Gliffy diagrams and flowcharts (free, conditions apply)


AWW Board online whiteboard (free)

CoSketch online whiteboard (free)

WhiteBoard online whiteboard (free)

Miro advanced online whiteboard (freemium)

Webo Hosting free up to 5 Go, advanced sharing functions (open-source)

Google Drive free up to 15 Go, advanced sharing fuctions

Important note when using images: be sure to check in advance the type of licence attached to each image you plan to use for your communication. Be aware that the image status migh differ according to the nature of the organisation you work for/represent! 


CCSearch a creative-common resource for images (free, conditions apply. Please check the credit rules for the images you plan to use)


Muro Deviant Art advance online image editing (free)

SumoPaint advance online image editing (free)

Pixlr advance online image editing (free)


Flickr image sharing (freemium)

Instagram advance online image editing (free)

Infogram an online infographics creation tool (freemium)

Vengage an online infographics creation tool (freemium)

AMCharts an online charts creation tool (freemium)

WiseMapping online mind mapping editor (free)

Mind42 online mind mapping editor (free)

Debate Graph online mind mapping editor (free, advanced)

MindMup online mind mapping editor (freemium, with a very fair price)

Mind Meister online mind mapping editor (freemium)

Shape Shifter online 3d modeling tool (free)

TinkerCAD online 3d modeling tool (free)

3D Slash online 3d modeling tool (free, great for kids!)

SketchUp online 3d modeling tool (free)


CryptPad a collaborative note service (freemium, no sign-in)

Collabora a collaborative note service (freemium)

Only Office a collaborative note service (freemium)

Google Keep
a collaborative, on-the-fly note service (free, but requires a gmail account)

Google Docs an advanced collaborative, online editor (free)

Etherpad a collaborative note service (free, but need to be installed on a server)


FramaCalc a collaborative spreadsheet (free, open-source, )

Google Spreasheets a collaborative spreadsheet (free, open-source, )

Choosing the right online meeting tool can be a bit of a hassle, especially as the avalaible apps for this task tend to offer different possibilities. Before settling on the  right tool for you, we suggest you to have a glance at this article: "Zoom vs Google Meet vs Microsoft Teams vs Webex Meetings vs BlueJeans" on 

Jitsi online meeting tool (open source, free, unlimited. Requires a server install unless you use

Skype / Skype for businesses
online meeting tool (freemium)

Google Meet online meeting tool (free, gmail account required, calls limited to 60 minutes)

Microsoft Teams online meeting tool (freemium)

Discord online meeting tool (freemium)

Zoom online meeting tool (freemium, 40 minutes time-limit on the free version, beware of reported privacy issues)

BlueJeans online meeting tool (freemium)

Webex online meeting tool (freemium)



Prezi online rich-media presentations (free, with limitations)

BannerSnack online rich-media presentations (free, up to 10 designs)

VCasmo online rich-media presentations (free, with limitations)

SlideShare online rich-media presentations (free, you need a LinkedIn account)

Google Slides online rich-media presentations (free, you need a Gmail account)

InVision advanced online prototyping tool (freemium)

Marvel advanced online prototyping tool (freemium)

Figma advanced online prototyping tool (freemium)

Flipboard a powerful RSS aggregator that uses an in-browser plug-in to collect content (freemium)
Check the DigiEduHack Flipboard for inspiration on all digital education topics!

Feedly a plain-text RSS aggregator (freemium)

Scoop It a curated content aggregtor (freemium)

Pinterest a visual content aggregtor (freemium)

LiveBinders a great tab-based content aggregtor (free)



PowToon online animation tool with a lot of customisation / integrated image bank (freemium)

Moovly online animation tool with a lot of customisation / integrated image bank (freemium)


WittyComics online comic strip tool with grown-up characters (free)

PixTon online comic strip tool with kids characters (free)


The Plot online storyboarding tool (freemium)

Canva online moodboarding tool with a lot of customisation (freemium)

A streaming service or app allows you to broadcast your webinar, live. If y6ou want to connect several participants, share screens, 

 streaming service with a lot of configuration options (free)

Facebook streaming service with a lot of configuration options (free)

Twitch streaming service with a lot of configuration options (free, specialised audience)

Periscope mobile-based streaming service (free)

Survey Monkey advanced online survey tool (freemium)

Crowd Signal advanced online survey tool (freemium)

Survey Gizmo advanced online survey tool (freemium)

Time Toast timeline creator (free)

Tiki Toki timeline creator (freemium)

Office Timeline Online timeline creator (freemium)


Glogster intuitive one pager with attached content library (freemium)

Carrd dedicated one pager (freemium)


WordPress advanced website building tool (freemium) 

Google Site simple website building tool (free, but you need a Gmail account) 

Webador advanced website building tool (free for first 3 months) 

Wix advanced website building tool (freemium) 

Word Clouds text-based online concept illustrator (free)

Word Art text-based online concept illustrator (free, really does illustrations)

DigiEduHack brand book and logos, presentation deck, editable assets

Download the editable versions of the DigiEduHack main visual  
This asset is available under *.psd format, in 1200x627, 1200x630, 1200x675, 1600x900 pixels 

Download the editable versions of the DigiEduHack challenge-level template  
This asset is available under *.psd format, in 1200x627, 1200x630, 1200x675, 1600x900 pixels 

If you have a question regarding these assets or their use, contact us!

Download the DigiEduHack presentation deck 
This complete presentation is entirely editable. 

If you have a question regarding the presentation deck, contact us!

Download the DigiEduHack visual identity 
The brand book explains all you need to know about all the DigiEduHack logos! 
Click on a logo to download it. 

If you have a question regarding the logo or its use, contact us!

All you need to get participants on board



Participant recruitment can be an arduous task for hosts. We created a series of assets to help you engage and recruit participants. All these assets can be customized for free by the central team throught the Host Studio: we can edit/add message, add the logo of your organisation, or change all the wording in your national language including the message in the video (if you provide the translations!)  

SoMe images: get access to our image trove

Video: you can find the global "participant recruitment video" on YouTube and as a stand-alone mp4 file.
Presentation: you can find here the global presentation of the event in a .ppt file that you can edit 

The DigieduHack central team will provide a certificate of achievement, at no cost, to all the participants that will take part in DigiEduHack and upload their solution on

This certificate will feature the particular achievements of each participant: name of the team, name of the solution, distinctions and mentions (local winner, runner-up, finalist, global winner). The certificates are provided by Accredible, one of the leaders in digital certification. The certificates are blockchain-based, encrypted, authenticated and unique. They can be shared on social media, especially on LinkedIn and don't have an expiry date. You can see an example here.

The DigiEduHack certificates should be requested to the challenge organisers by the participants themselves.

The Host studio is open to all hosts. It offers deep-level customisation possibilities on existing assets used for recruiting participants or promoting DigiEduhack events. Hosts can submit  to the Host Studio special creation requests. These requests are evaluated by the central team and their production depends on their feasability.

 What can be done 

- adding your logo to the video / images
- adding translated text the video / images (we will ask us to provide the translations)
- adding specific practical info related to your challenge
- adding your challenge name

 What cannot be done 

- removing the existing logos from the assests 
- changing the colors used in the assets
- changing the music of the video 
- adding footage to the existing video 
- changing the model used in the visuals 
- replacing footage in the video

Submit your requests here



You need help to craft messages to recruit participants? Just send us a request and we'll help you to build your social media campaign. 

Build the best challenge possible!

Carefully craft your challenge following our step-by-step framework: the challenge buiding canvas has been specially adapted to help all DigiEduHack hosts in crafting, deepening and assessing their challenge. No matter if you're a seasonned host or if you're running your first hackathon: our challenge canvas will take your challenge further!  

Easy to use and easy to share for a collaborative use. 
In editable PDF format (type, edit and save your texts!)

> Download the challenge building canvas

If you have a question, contact us!

All you need for a fair assessment

This canvas is the exact document that will be used by the DigiEduHack 2021 steering group to assess the finalist solutions.
The editable evaluation canvas is here.
You can find the guidelines on how to use the document here.

Both in A4, in pdf format. 

Contact us if you have specific requirements for this last document. 

These guidelines are intended to your participants, so they can prepare the content they will need when uploading their solution on 
The canvas gives an overview of all the fields and their limitations, and indicates the accepted formats for the uploads. 

The solution guidelines can be found here in an A4 pdf format. 
The intellectual property guidelines can be found here in a A4 pdf format. 

Resources for participants

No panic, everything you need is here (...well almost everything)

This year, IRCAI wants to attract data science and engineering students from across Europe and potentially design artificial intelligence challenges on top of the data, and therefore our suggestion to colleagues at DG EAC was to reach out to DG CONNECT and understand what could be done in order to attract H2020 projects that have plenty of data that could be exploited on a large scale at the hackathon via innovative communities. We think this could release the enormous potential the H2020 projects hold in general, as it seems like a win-win combination, since the theme of the hack is connected to sustainable development which is the focus of IRCAI, and H2020 and other projects need exposure to innovation communities and exploitation of their data in unforeseen ways in order to create prototypes, products, etc... 

Get the datasets on the IRCAI GitHub channel!

The guide is juuust here: read it all before you start uploading your solution

We made this episode of DigiEduHack, the podcast *just* for you: during 18 minutes, we walk you through the basics of how to organize your time and your team for your next hackathon. We give you strategies and share a quick overview of what is design thinking. Free, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and on Soundcloud here.

Let us help you to build the best pitch EVER. Follow our template+framwork (ppt file): the sky is the limit!

Archives: past editions

Get inspired by the past editions of DigiEduHack!


On this page you have access to all the uploaded solutions from the past editions of DigiEduHack. When available, you can even get in touch with the original team members who uploaded their solution.

DigiEduHack 2020

> 2020 Global Award Winners: Squiddy, EduSex, SaveDopamine 
> Check the 12 finalists of DigiEduHack 2020
> Check all the DigiEduHack 2020 challenge-winning solutions 
> Check all the DigiEduHack 2020 solutions
> Check all the DigiEduHack 2020 challenges

DigiEduHack 2020 took place on 12-13 November 2020. It gathered 2600 participants from Europe and beyond, who participated in 54 challenges from 33 countries. 253 solutions have been created and uploaded to by DigiEduHackers from 10 to 60+ years old. 3 Global Award Winners were crowned: Squiddy, EduSex, SaveDopamine. During the public voting phase, 4868 people cast a vote. The participant mix of DigiEduHack 2020 consisted of students (61%), teachers & educators (10%), innovators (8%), others (8%), researchers (7%), education professionals (6%). On the event days, the Main Stage has been followed by 230 concurrent viewers (day 1) / 119 concurrent viewers (day 2) and 6528 cumulated viewers for the two days on YouTube, with an average viewing time of 24 minutes 37 seconds per session, while 2518 cumulated live viewers chose Twitter for the two days, with 828 cumulated replay viewers.  

DigiEduHack 2019

> 2019 Global Award Winners: Teaming 4.0, Science Escape Room, Student4Students 
> Check all the DigiEduHack 2019 challenge-winning solutions 
> Check all the DigiEduHack 2019 solutions 
> Check all the DigiEduHack 2019 challenges

DigiEduHack 2019 took place on 3-4 October 2019. It gathered 1700 participants from Europe and beyond, that participated in 33 challenges from 21 countries. 152 solutions have been created and uploaded to 3 Global Award Winners were crowned: Teaming 4.0, Science Escape Room, Student4Students. During the public voting phase, 4200 people cast a vote. 



DigiEduHack related courses

Courses to improve the future of digital education!

Hackathons are usually thought of as events where people come together to collaborate with computers. However, non-technical hackathons are becoming increasingly popular – where people gather to solve an organisational rather than a technical problem.

On this course, you’ll discover how to organise and run a non-technical hackathon that can address a challenge in digital education and improve your organisation’s digital skills and competencies.

This course is developed by EIT Climate-KIC 

Explore how digital technologies are transforming education, and devise forward-thinking solutions to the challenges of EdTech.

This course is designed to prepare you to join other learners and experts in digital education in an online global hack to co-create, plan, prepare, and pitch ideas that will enable students to get the most from digital learning.

You’ll identify ideas for using technology in ways that empower learners and put them at the heart of the digital education revolution.

This course is developed by EIT Climate-KIC & Aalto University