Obrazovanje 4.0 - DigiEduHack 2021

Obrazovanje 4.0


Glavni partner


Kreirajmo zajedno budućnost obrazovanja!

Please update this section with an introduction for your event. Example text: Join our DigiEduHack to connect with other educational professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs to co-create the future of education. Help us solve the challenge of [your challenge comes here], turn your vision into reality and showcase your solutions on a European and global scale. Experts and mentors will support your team during the 24 hours in finding the best solutions to the challenges. The best teams can win €5000 in a global award contest.

Join us on 9-10 Nov 2021
And team up to solve our challenge:

#32 / Obrazovanje 4.0

Ukoliko želiš da svoju kreativnost i zananje iskoristiš tako što ćeš doprineti inovacijama u obrazovanju ovaj izazov je stvoren za tebe! Prijavi se i osvoji vredne nagrade! Mesta su ograničena.

Who can join?




Any questions?

Check the most commonly asked questions in our FAQ. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, you can contact us!


All times indicated are in Europe/Belgrade timezone

Obrazovanje 4.0 hakaton biće održan 9. i 10. novembra u Naučno-tehnološkom parku Niš. Prvog dana biće održane dve radionice, nakon čega će timovima biti predstavljen izazov. Timovi imaju 24 sata da rade na idejnom projektu. Drugi dan je planiran za prezentovanje idеje i proglašenje pobednika. Registracija timova počinje 10. oktobra, a krajnji rok za prijavu je 1. novembar. Detaljan program nalazi se u nastavku.

09 November 09:00

Svečano otvaranje

09 November 09:30

Digitalizacija u digitalnom dobu

Radionicu će održati profesor Marija Radosavljević koja predstavlja Ekonomski fakultet u Nišu. Radionice će pokriti teme: - važnost i oblici obrazovanja - digitalni alati u obrazovanju - mogućnosti digitalizacije obrazovanja - digitalizacija procesa u obrazovanja

09 November 10:30


09 November 10:40

Principi obrazovanja 4.0

Radionicu će održati Aleksandar Gligorijević. vlasnik SERB-CRAFT-a.

09 November 11:10

Benefiti i nedostaci u obrazovanju

Digitalizacija je uticala na naš svakodnevni život, unapredila je društvo i uticala na svaki njegov aspekt. Ali, iako ima dosta prednosti sa sobom povlači i dosta nedostataka. Cilj ove radionice je da podigne svest o posledicama digitalizacije.

09 November 11:40

Objava teme i početak hakatona

Učesnici će biti podeljeni u timove i svakom timu će se dodeliti mentor. Izazov će se objaviti, i od tog trenutka svi timovi imaju 24 sata da nađu rešenje problema.

10 November 12:00

Prezentacija ideja

Svaki tim će imati 5 minuta da predstavi svoju ideju publici i žiriju. Nakon toga, žiri će imati prostor od 10 minuta gde mogu da postavljaju pitanja timovima.

10 November 13:15


10 November 13:30

Proglašenje tri najbolja tima

Žiri će objaviti koja tri tima su imala najbolju ideju. Tim koji je dobio prvo mesto osvojiće materijalnu nagradu koju obezbeđuje Motorola, a drugo i treće mesto će osvojiti novčane nagrade.

10 November 13:30


Zatvaranje događaja.


Tim koji dođe do najboljeg rešenja će pobediti i pored nagrada dobiriti mogućnost da učestvuje u finalnom DigiEduHack takmičenju. Nagrade su za prvo mesto - 3 Motorola sata moto360 3rd Gen, za drugo mesto - 25000 dinara, za treće mesto - 15000 dinara.

Članovi žirija i mentori

Eminentni pojedinci podržali su naš DigiEduHack - Obrazovanje 4.0!

Marija Radosavljević

Marija Radosavljević

Speaker, Judge

Full Professor at Faculty of Economics, University of Niš

Ana Veljković

Ana Veljković


Geography Teacher at Gimnazija "Bora Stanković"

Aleksandar Gligorijević

Aleksandar Gligorijević

Speaker, Judge


Miloš Grozdanović

Miloš Grozdanović


Assistant Director for Business Support and General Affairs at Science and Technology Park Nis

Milica Stamenković

Milica Stamenković


Local Committee President at AIESEC Serbia

Dunja Lazarević

Dunja Lazarević


Vice President Of Business Development and Incoming Global Talent at AIESEC Serbia

Anđela Jovanović

Anđela Jovanović



Antonije Garić

Antonije Garić



Nikola Stefanović

Nikola Stefanović



Mesto događaja

Naučno-tehnološki park Niš


Aleksandra Medvedeva bb
RS18115 Niš - Niš

1. Preliminary statement



Welcome to DigiEduHack. This set of rules is a body of principles governing DigiEduHack as a whole.
Each DigiEduHack challenge might have additional and/or specific rules. In case of doubt, please ask your challenge owner/host. 


DigiEduHack is a hackathon that encourages collaboration, co-creation, and real-life change. Even if in the end three teams will be crowned as global winners, any solution uploaded on digieduhack.com can potentially have an impact on digital education. This reflects the spirit of DigiEduHack: you take part in this hackathon because you and your team members want to take action and contribute to solving an actual challenge.


DigiEduHack is free, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable. Please keep in mind these values when entering and taking part in a DigiEduHack challenge. Participants are expected to behave according to these values. Do support other teams, respect the differences, encourage, help, and include others. Be fair. 
Do not shame, mock, attack, despise or hurt other participants. Be positive and remember to have fun: DigiEduHack is first and foremost a great experience where you are going to meet fantastic people, get new cool skills, grow your network.


Last but not least: in case of doubt, please contact either the owner of the challenge or the DigiEduHack central team contact@digieduhack.com


2. Rules


Prior to joining Digieduhack, you, as a participant, should pick a challenge. Most of the challenges have open recruitment; some challenges have conditional recruitment (be a student part of the challenge owner's institution for example). You can see the status of a challenge by checking its label on the "Challenges" page.


As a participant, you can only join/take part in one DigiEduHack challenge. You can join alone, or take part as a team. If you take part as a team, each team member should sign up for the challenge individually. There can be three people per team. This size may vary from one challenge to another. The composition of a team is decided by the local challenge owners. Please refer to the documentation specific to the challenge you wish to join. In case of doubt, please contact the challenge owner.


As a participant, you are expected to take part in all/most of the activities organized by the challenge owner on 9-10 November 2021. Challenge owners can decide to make some or all activities mandatory, either before, during, or after their DigiEduHack event. Please refer to the planning of the challenge you joined for further info.


Your solution should be co-created and finalized during the DigiEduHack event you're taking part in. It's allowed to join with draft ideas, frameworks, ideas, and concepts. It's not allowed to join DigiEduHack with a ready-made and/or ready-to-be-rolled-out solution or to use a ready-made and/or ready-to-be-rolled-out solution as a base for your co-creation process: you cannot re-work an already existing solution during DigiEduHack. You can get inspiration from an existing solution but plagiarism, copy, and/or any other form of treachery or deception are totally forbidden. In case of a breach of at least one rule in this paragraph, the challenge owner/host will ultimately decide on the applicable sanction (see infra 2.8). You can use open source resources if you clearly attribute the sampled part(s) to their original creator(s) and if the sampled part(s) is a minor component of your solution.


DigiEduHack is a multilevel hackathon where each challenge owner chooses one winning solution and might choose one or several runner-ups. Each challenge owner has their own judging grid to assess submitted solutions: please contact your challenge owner for more details. All the winning solutions (NOT the runner-ups) enter the global competition where the DigiEduHack steering group chooses 10 to 12 finalists based on the criteria available here. These 10 to 12 finalist solutions are uploaded on a platform to be submitted to a public vote. The three solutions that gather the most votes are declared global winners. In addition to competing in the final global DigiEduHack award contest, winners will win the following prizes:

1st place - 3x Motorola watch moto360 3rd Gen
2nd place - 25000 RSD
3rs place - 15000 RSD


At the end of the event you are taking part in, follow and respect your challenge owner's instructions on when to stop working on your solution and on where, how, and when your solution will be assessed: pay especially attention to mandatory pitching/demo sessions and upload requirements. You had no time to finish? No worries: notify it during your pitch/demo/upload in the description of your project.  All the solutions created during DigiEduHack 2021 should be uploaded on digieduhack.com. Solutions uploaded to digieduhack.com are made public under the DigiEduHack intellectual property guidelines.


Only ONE team member should upload the team's solution on digieduhack.com, and only ONE solution per team should be uploaded. A team can only upload a solution for a challenge they are registered for and actually took part in. Before starting the upload process, please check the solution upload guidelines. To upload your solution digieduhack.com: login, go to "upload your solution" and follow the steps.


Participants or teams can be disqualified and excluded from DigiEdUhack for breaking one of the aforementioned rules/preliminary statements. If a single participant in a team breaks a rule, the participant will be excluded from their team and from DigiEduHack. The rest of the team can keep taking part in DigiEduHack. If a team as a whole breaks a rule, they will be excluded from DigiEduHack. Each challenge owner decides in full discretion on exclusions for their own event. The DigiEduHack central team decides in full discretion on exclusions for the global competition. Exclusions are definitive. Solutions that break the rules described in 2.4 will be disqualified. If a winning solution is disqualified, the challenge owner will organize a second deliberation and announce a new winner. If a finalist solution or a global winning solution is disqualified, the Steering group as a whole or in a smaller quorum will assess a new finalist solution, and a new public vote will take place.






Frequently asked questions

We are working on the content for this page. Please feel free to contact us directly if any questions

If you got immediate questions, then please contact one of the organisers


NTP Niš.png
Naučno tehnološki park Niš je neprofitna organizacija koja u bliskoj saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Nišu i akademskom zajednicom pruža neophodnu infrastrukturnu i stručnu podršku inovativnim kompanijama u razvoju i postizanju poslovnih uspeha na tržištu, posebno u visokim tehnologijama. Dinamična zajednica akademskih institucija, visokotehnoloških kompanija i startap kompanija okupljenih u NTP Niš predstavlja jedinstveno okruženje idealno za rad, razmenu znanja i iskustava, kao i za poslovnu saradnju i komercijalizaciju naučnih istraživanja.
AIESEC Nis.png
Please update this section. Example text: Aalto University is a multidisciplinary community of bold thinkers, where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future.
Please update this section. Example text: Aalto University is a multidisciplinary community of bold thinkers, where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future.

Our Solutions

#DigiEduHack #DigiEduHackObrazovanje 4.0

Contact us

Marko Ljubenović

Marko Ljubenovic

Associate for institutional cooperation and innovation ecosystem development


Our challenge, your solutions
Obrazovanje 4.0
Ukoliko želiš da svoju kreativnost i zananje iskoristiš tako što ćeš doprineti inovacijama u obrazovanju ovaj izazov je stvoren za tebe! Prijavi se i osvoji vredne nagrade! Mesta su ograničena.
Do we all have same opportunities?

Are we aware of something that we are doing wrong as people on Earth? 

Do we know our mistakes and how to fix them? 

Are we willing to provide everyone with equal access to learning? 


DISCORD platforma
  • Kako se tehnologija razvija, tako bi trebalo i naše obrazovanje da se unapređuje.Istraživanjem i SWAT analizom uspeli smo da pronađemo platformu koja se nije dovoljno koristila u edukativne svrhe.
Sky above me, Earth below me, education inside me

Earth education je digitalna platforma koja u sebi integriše: mogućnost umrežavanja nastavnika i učenika, prenos podataka (didaktički materijali), obradu multimedijalnog sadržaja, ciljne medije i medijsku pismenost, plasiranje aktuelnosti iz obrazovnih sfera i PRAKTIČNO PRIMENLJIVA ZNANJA.

Connecting the best from all the apps, plus 3 innovations

We are onnecting the best from all the apps, and in addition we have 3 innovations that are realistic, but not often used.

DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital