"Diagnostics & Predictions Mirror"
"Diagnostics & Predictions Mirror", a full body size mirror that can calculate BMI, percentage of water in the body, pulse rate, blood pressure etc.
Team: Albae
Team members
Alisa Shima, Arla Carciu, Fabjan Kishta, Aaashish Badal, Arefa Zakir, Saba Khan, Emadul IslamSolution description
The team came up with a "Diagnostics & Predictions Mirror", a full body size mirror that can calculate BMI, percentage of water in the body, pulse rate, blood pressure etc. The mirror also includes a virtual assistant and can be connected to various apps. Based on the analysis, the mirror can come up with a diagnosis and suggest actions to be taken to lead healthier lifestyle.
Solution context
The challenge was to design a future consumer product taking into account sustainability, consumer experience, persanilization and digitalization.
Solution target group
All consumers
Solution impact
Make the lives of people healthier.
Solution tweet text
Want or need a healthier lifestyle? "Diagnostics & Predictions Mirror", a full body size mirror that can calculate BMI, percentage of water in the body, pulse rate, blood pressure etc. This is a solution for you!Solution innovativeness
Holistic measurements through the mirror which is built from sustainable materials. The idea is to change the beauty perceptions into healthy body ones and encourage positive self-esteem in people of all genders and ages.
Solution transferability
The sports industry, beauty, health industry.
Solution sustainability
The mirror is constructed from sustainable materials only.
Solution team work
The team from Albania and UAE has worked together online to come up with this idea.