Learning through social media
Nearly 17 percent of internet users aged between 18 and 25 years spend over 20 hours a week watching videos online as of August 2020.This leads to little or no time used learning skills that can prepare them for the future.
Team members
Brian Kiiru ,Stella WaitheraMembers roles and background
Brian Kiiru - Fullstack software developer
Stella Waithera - Fullstack software developer
Solution description
This is a social media application that allows education content to be presented in form of short videos,with a time interval of 30 seconds - 1 minute,showcasing execution of a particular skill as well as attached resources and project task.
Users will be able to learn the skills presented and develop a project that will be voted on by other users such as industry experts,companies,other students and trainers.
Projects which have the highest votes will be featured by interested companies,get mentorship from field experts,get company rewards such as internships or swag.
Solution context
Although online video and entertainment are popular among all generations, young people tend to spend hours every week on viewing. Nearly 17 percent of internet users aged between 18 and 25 years spend over 20 hours a week watching videos online as of August 2020.Leaders within the online video and entertainment industry include YouTube and Vimeo, as well as TikTok, and vary in genres and themes.
This leads to little or no time used learning skills that can prepare them for the future.
Solution target group
1.Young individuals
2.Edtech content creators/trainers
3.Companies looking for talent
4.Field experts who are ready to mentor.
Solution impact
Learners will learn with a way that resonates with the current social media entertainment.
Learner will directly benefit whenever they implement it correctly.
Companies will be able to get a wide pool of talent, where they can get to see proof of projects done and skills gained by users.
Solution tweet text
Nearly 17 percent of internet users aged between 18 and 25 years spend over 20 hours a week watching videos online as of August 2020.This leads to little or no time used learning skills that can prepare them for the future.Solution innovativeness
Learners will learn in a more eternaining way that resonates with this generation.
Solution transferability
Our application can be used to market resouces that can be found on other edtech platforms.
Solution sustainability
To create a website application in the short term and a mobile allpication in the long term
Solution team work
We were able to contribute effectively as a team and we plan to work together in the future.