EcoLens, sustainable contact lenses made out of PHA
The team came up with the EcoLens, sustainable contact lenses made out of PHA that biodegrade completely thus reducing waste. The lenses also include a blue-light filter.
Team: SeeUs
Team members
Vanja Obradovic, Gorana Terzic, Milica Stojic, Jana Domanovic, Marina Backleh, Noura Attili, Maya HelmiMembers roles and background
High school students from Serbia and Palestine
Solution description
The team combined of students from Serbia and Palestine came up with the EcoLens, sustainable contact lenses made out of PHA that biodegrade completely thus reducing waste. The lenses also include a blue-light filter to protect eyes from computer and UV rays.
Solution context
The challenge was to design a future consumer product taking into account sustainability, consumer experience, persanilization and digitalization.
Solution target group
Consumers who wear contact lenses.
Solution impact
The impact is measured by decreased levels of plastic pollution.
Solution tweet text
SeeUs has developed EcoLens, sustainable contact lenses made out of PHA that are completely biodegrade. This is the future product of personal care! #futuregen #sustainabilitySolution innovativeness
Innovative material to be using for the lenses creation.
Solution transferability
Beauty industry.
Solution sustainability
Fully biodegradable, no harm to nature.
Solution team work
Teams from Serbia and Palestine worked well together online to discuss and generate this solution o the challenge.