The Nature Bags

The Nature Bags

Our challenge, your solutions

In order to face the problems of food waste and plastic bags.

The bag will come in a range of colours, with a slogan written on it. A QR code will be on each bag for customers to scan and find more information on where the fruit skins were sourced, the food waste and plastic consumption that has been reduced. The product is adress to supermarkets.


Team: Group 8

Members roles and background

EMMA: Ireland, Bachelor's in Business Studies, IFBM ESCP

LETIZIA: Italy, Bachelor's in Business studies, Master in Business Administration

ANUJ: UK and India, MSc Food Science and Engineering


Contact details

Solution description

Our idea is about using fibre-based tote bags as a prime choice for the consumers and take on board those who are reluctant to contribute to the circular economy. The process involves collecting wastefruit peels from processing industries. Transforming it closer to leather-like strength bags and pitching our slogan. The app connected to the QR code on the bag gives transparency based on sourcing of bag, showing them their contribution to the world.

Solution context

The challenges we are going face are: the societal aspect of improving awareness among people, the environmental aspect of minimizing waste and reducing plastic consumption. Economical aspect of partnering up a symbiotic long term relationship with business organisations.

Solution target group

We are targeting the families from all walks of life and specifically age groups 30-50.

Solution impact

Our solution will be a great initiative to reduce a considerable amount of waste and phasing out dependency on plastics. Through the app we could generate awareness amongst people about the circular economy and how their small change in choices in day to day life could contribute.

Solution tweet text

`We offer fibre-based tote bags made from the industrial waste of fruit skins. We promote and encourage consumers to learn more about the circular economy and the impact their actions have on the environment.

Solution innovativeness

There is currently very few businesses implmeting this idea in the market. The current business are focused on the fashion market. There is currently no fruit fibre bags sold in supermarkets, so this is the market we are targeting. The bags will use much less water in production that current reusable bags made from cotton.

Solution transferability

The fashion, packaging and cosmetics sector.

Solution sustainability

Our B2B business model will focus on the partnerships with supermarkets, while a B2C model will focus on gaining customers and educating on the circular business model. As an added incentive to scan the QR code customers have the chance to win discounts.

Solution team work

Our Team has worked well due to our different backgrounds and skills sets.



DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital