Social Bridge

Social Bridge

Our challenge, your solutions

Connect students to the professional market

Make a change in education throught the match of three elements, school, companies and local community


Team: Social Galdiadors

Team members

Gabriela, Luis, Maria Virginia, Tatiana

Members roles and background

Gabriela - student of social service

Luis - Professional teacher in management

Maria Virginia - children education

Tatiana  professional teacher in tourism

Contact details

Solution description

Emporwement to a movement of change education. We want to connect two different worlds, schools and market to that we create a learning plataform to be able to follow the needs of the local comunnity. On the plataform schools can provide course that students and companny request. Throught the plataform compannys can search for professionals and also provide some school needs. Community envolve all the elements that will responde for social needs, mainly "NEET", consist on people until the 35 years old, that doesn't study or work.

Solution context

The problem we try to solve is the disconnection between schools or degrees with companies or market. 

Challenge will be create a solid bridge between the three base elements in a community. (school's-companies-students)

Solution target group

Our principal targets are the "NEET" because for community is important that all be part of local improve and develop. Also we want that all companies and students at our plataform benefit a better connection. The plataform will match the needs. For example, the "NEET" can search for a job or a course, and be more engaged in our community;

Solution impact

Increase 25% of employability;

Decrease 15% of school failure;

Time facility to pass through school to market. 

Solution tweet text

Make a change in education throught the macth of 3 elements (school-companies-community)

Solution innovativeness

Well there is a school that provides something similiar, but only on IT area.

Our project can be considerate innovative because it's a first option in integration of these 3 element and it's availible to any person our community that wants to be part of it.

We also can develop a training program for others create a similar plataform; 

Solution transferability

Easily the plataform could be made in different languages and also connect more and more different schools, companies, organizations, associations, and others.

The plataform will use a universal language, user friendly.

Solution sustainability

To the implementation we will need one year to connect the schools and the companies.

Create our data bases, and maintain a direct relation with all the 3 elements, especialy companies.

Solution team work

We had our discussions but the social ideal was always strong enought to solve.

Yes we want to be part of the continuty of the project.

We think that we start with a local problem but the scale is global.


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital