

Our challenge, your solutions

Connecting the best from all the apps, plus 3 innovations

We are onnecting the best from all the apps, and in addition we have 3 innovations that are realistic, but not often used.


Team: Život je nekad MEET nekad ZOOM

Members roles and background

We are all students of electronic engineering/computer science. Young, enthusiastic and eager to learn. Have previous experiences in non-formal education and ambitious about this idea. 

Contact details

Solution description

We take the best things from apps that we have found.In addition we provide real-time feedback during the class which is filling the gap made because of the lack of non-verbal communication. Also, we would make app with more clarity, because we wouldn't use a simple subject-student structure, but would use a triangular one (Subject-professor, and professor-student and subject-student) that way on professors profile students could find what subject they have, and which fields of study are theirs. Also, we would add a social-network component in order to help students connect with each other and with professors, building some kind of resume on the app, this is the best way to make online networking. 
Besides that, when making a classroom, teachers can choose one of a few class modes,standard meeting, workshops, conferences, seminars etc. (Something like interfaces of the apps GatherTown, WorldWall, Zoom, Teams...) This way the app can be used to make studying more interesting, and even maybe to use it for non-formal education.

Solution target group

Students but also professors

Solution impact

This app can be used everywhere for all types of education, and also after the corona virus 

Solution tweet text

EduConnect, everything you need for education in one place

Solution innovativeness

In addition we provide real-time feedback during the class which is filling the gap made because of the lack of non-verbal communication. Also, we would make app with more clarity, because we wouldn't use a simple subject-student structure, but would use a triangular one (Subject-professor, and professor-student and subject-student) that way on professors profile students could find what subject they have, and which fields of study are theirs. Also, we would add a social-network component in order to help students connect with each other and with professors, building some kind of resume on the app, this is the best way to make online networking. 

Solution transferability

When making a classroom, teachers can choose one of a few class modes,standard meeting, workshops, conferences, seminars etc. (Something like interfaces of the apps GatherTown, WorldWall, Zoom, Teams...) This way the app can be used to make studying more interesting, and even maybe to use it for non-formal education.

Solution sustainability

This app can be used everywhere for all types of education, and also after the corona virus 

Solution team work

We made this together with everyone contributing with their ideas and talents.


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital