Our challenge, your solutions

To create create job opportunities and provide similar education

To increase the productivity of the local groups and increase the common participation, Providing extra as well as primary income options, Increasing Independence of the local people, Increasing network to increase their business. Also, Provide Knowledge and education related to agriculture and more



Team members

Rohit Shidid, Saahil Shaikh, Bhavin Shah, Ruchika Suryawanshi

Contact details,,,

Solution description

The Solution will provide a vast amount of Opportunities for Jobs as well as the digital education required to succeed in it, Not only that but also because it will be in locality hence it will make sure the overall interaction of each member, thus increasing the social connects of people and also sustainably maintaining the overall growth of the society, for example as we know that in the field of agriculture the need of agricultural equiplments is found, hence the local people connecting to a local person for the goods and needs will eventually create a circle of transaction and increase the overall growth of the society, the manure prepared in someone else's home could be used in agriculture by a local farmer, thus keepin the money within the locality and not outsourcing it. Now to increase the money in this circle, all the traveling foreigner who are excited about to stay in the nature and experience it would reside in the homes of the local people thus creating external income source without any modifications. The education required for starting and making any business successful will be the responsibility on the AGROFOOD

Just Like creating a platform foo all this to connect and be found at one place 

Solution context

The Problem that we are trying to solve and few of the goals of the project:

  1. Unemployement in rural area
  2. People have time and willingness but no work to do.
  3. Overall economical growth
  4. Increase Independency
  5. Increase the sources of income for local people
  6. Provide the correct and proper methods and education to excel in their business
  7. Increase Local Interaction
  8. Provide Digital education to improve the standards and overall quality of Agriculture products.
  9. Reduce the waiting time (As people to help will be from the locality and thus access time to them will be fast)

Solution target group

The target group for this Idea is the local masses and they are the ones that will be affected/benefitting the most out of this plan. The mere fact that this whole concept was based on the fact of promoting local businesses is what defines the purpose of AgroFood. We plan to make sure that the businesses which normally get overlooked due to the dominance of brands are recognized on a large scale. Moving ahead, the sellers will be getting a fair price for their product and the money they deserve to earn. We plan to have a minimum commission for them to get what they deserve and also the fact that it will be a win-win-win situation for the buyer, seller, and us. The consumer shall benefit as he will be provided with proper guidance from the seller on how to efficiently use the product which is being sold. This will also increase the quality of the goods thus increasing the customer review resulting in increasing demand, and the cycle continues

Solution impact

The Impact of this solution will be seen drastically and on a large scale as the overall economy and the standards of people will be seen increasing, the amount of robbers will decrease as the opportunities for jobs will be high, All the people from family can earn as no one need to waste time, waiting for job. The Rating system provided by our platform will ensure that the people in the locality keep teh area clean so more tourists visit them and so they can earn more, so the locality will get and remain clean. Please Will be more happier as they will have an opportunity to have a secondary stream of income so to clear out any loans of pending stuff, The overall quality of agriculture yield will increase drastically due to the methods and the digital education provided by the platform. A healthy competition will make sure everyone is working and thus reducing the risk of suicides due to lack of income. The overall depression rate will be reduced


In Simple words there will be a drastic lift in the quality of life.

Solution tweet text

How long does it take fro you to snap your fingers? Instantly right? That’s the same time we expect you to get the service you require at the quality you deserve from the people you trust. AGROFOOD, from the local, to the local, for the local, at your local :)

Solution innovativeness

This is one is a million Idea, There do exist platforms where we can hire freelancer for software jobs but thats not from locality and for works like agriculture this is a unique and new idea which implemented will work like a butter, as this platform also is the middle man hence the investment would be minimal, just the webdevelopment cost and the server cost. There will be no need of physical material or anything our of the Sci-fic movie to implement, It is a simple yet very effective and necessary system which can be developed within 2 months and can generate revenue within the next one month. PLus the feature of display and providing the digital knowledge about the platform and how to do the perfect harvest and many more will just add to  some of the many unique feature of the project. 

Solution transferability

Yes This project can be used in multiple different areas like in the field of fishery, it can be used to connect finseher mans to local people who are willing to rent a boat for a day, or some people who are willing to help to catch fish for a day. It can be also used in the field of timber as to help the woodcutter to transport wood from one area to another on a service and contract basis, as all these people will be from locality the avaibility of the the people on a short notice will be high, also the chances of knowing the person and building a permenant bond would be high.

Solution sustainability

The plan will be implemented through a website whose User Interface(UI) will be based on the likes of popular websites like, and so on. Once the website is up, we will start promoting our platform through various sources of the advertisement be it trivial such as pamphlets, billboards, newspaper advertisements, television spots, etc., or digitally such as YouTube ads or websites. This shall create widespread reach of AgroFood and once users start using it, word of mouth will play a crucial role in it.
The plan is aimed towards a long-term goal where the users get the equipment they require at cheaper and fair rates and avail guidance on how to make proper use of the equipment or seeds they've bought for their use. The business will be there to stay with the main reason being the promotion of local stores which help boost the economy of the country. And secondly, this e-commerce concept has been there for a long but has never been implemented in such a way that it is more consumer friendly than company friendly.
And Just like the great companies like apple, we'll build an ecosystem of users so well that the people who are using the platform not only stay there and continue using it but also promote and suggest others to be a part of this beautiful experience, and have a piece of pie.

Solution team work

As Being Students of different fields it helpled us a lot to think about this idea in a better and more effective way so that it would work to its fullest, Considering all the drawbacks in the system and working on it from different perspective.

Yes, We all would love to work together on multiple projects.


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital