DigiEduHack 2021: how to vote?

How to vote to designate the three DigiEduHack 2021 Global winners?

Time to make your voice heard! You want to make change happen in digital education? Rock your vote, and tell us your favourite solution(s)!

Do you want to make change happen in digital education in Europe and beyond? You're in the right place! DigiEduHack took place on 9-10 November 2021. The event gathered 2473 participants who took part in 53 challenges and co-created 228 solutions, of which 49 were crowned challenge-winners. The DigiEduHack steering group chose 12 finalists among the 50 challenge winners, and now we need you to designate the 3 DigiEduHack Global Award Winners. How? We tell you all below!  



How does the voting process work? 

- the voting process is open until 18.3.2022 at 20:00 PM CET.
- until the votes are closed, you can cancel and/or re-attribute your vote.
- a registered voter can vote for more than one solution. 
- voting is open to -quite literally- anyone above 13 years old at the time of the vote, whether previously involved in DigiEduHack or not. 
- the voting takes place on the United Nations' Unite Ideas platform on this page https://ideas.unite.un.org/digieduhack2021/Page/Home
- voters under 13 years old can register with authorization from their relevant parents/guardian.
- to be able to vote for a solution, registration on https://ideas.unite.un.org is compulsory.
- see below for instructions on how to register and vote and FAQ.
- if you encounter any trouble during the voting process, contact uniteideas@un.org

We kindly remind all participants and hosts that we expect fair behaviour during the voting process.
Every vote will be assessed by the Central Team and the Unite Ideas team, and all "votes from bots" will be removed from the results.  

1- Register on Unite Ideas

- create a user profile on https://ideas.unite.un.org/main/User/Login#/login/register/
- fill-in the fields, pass the reCAPTCHA test
- tick the "I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions for this site" box
- note that you need to be over 13 years old to register (under 13 years old need authorization from their relevant parents/guardian) 
- click on "Submit"
- you now see a screen saying "Thank you for registering" and a link saying "reset your password". Click on the link. 
- enter the username ( NOT your email!) you chose during your registration. Click "Submit". You're halfway done!


2- Create your password

- go to your mailbox. Open the mail with the title "New Password Request". 
- click on the first link
- time to create your password: passwords must be 8-20 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character.
- Click on "Submit"
- now you can log in... and vote!


3- Vote / edit your vote / delete your vote

- go to https://ideas.unite.un.org/digieduhack2021/Page/Home
- to vote for a solution, click on its name, go to the solution's page, and click on the voting icon
- You can see "I voted" and a tick mark under the icon? Your vote is registered! You can stop here or vote for more solutions. 
- you voted for a solution but you changed your mind? You can take back your vote anytime: return to the solution page and click on the cross next to "I voted" under the voting icon.


4- Troubleshooting

- if you encounter any trouble during the voting process, contact uniteideas@un.org 
- you deleted your vote for a solution by mistake? No panic, just click again on the voting icon.


 5- Important note: counter on the solution pages 

- in order to preserve a fair and accurate voting process, both the DigiEduHack team and the Unite Ideas team will assess all the votes and remove all "votes from bots"
- unfortunately, there is no technical way to reflect these updates in the voting counters located on the solution pages: this means that those counters will not reflect the actual votes for each solution
- every Tuesday, the DigiEduHack team will publish on Twitter the cleared-up total amount of votes for each solution. Stay tuned!