

Our challenge, your solutions

Do we all have same opportunities?

Are we aware of something that we are doing wrong as people on Earth? 

Do we know our mistakes and how to fix them? 

Are we willing to provide everyone with equal access to learning? 



Team: Juzna pruga

Team members

Damjan Jovic, Anastasija Stamenkovic, Zarko Antanaskovic

Members roles and background

Damjan - logistics, ideas, technical stuff and support

Anastasija - marketing, PR, ideas, creativity

Zarko - finance, implementation, presentator, team leader 

Contact details

Solution description

BookGarden is studying platform which is designed with an approach for both teachers and students.

Some of the main features of the application are: 

  • going through levels along with study material
  • work in pairs and teams
  • video and audio calls + screen share option
  • teacher supervision through all tasks
  • literature base
  • parental supervision (for not being too much on application
  • notification for overusing 
  • ranking for rewards
  • incentive system 
  • rewards that are eco-friendly (tree plants, knitted bags, a trip in nature for best students in coutnry,etc.). 

Solution context

When we say studying we think that we all have same opportunities and chances

But, is that really true? Can we say that we are all equal? 

The big problem of today's education is that we have many children who do not have adequate access to teaching. 

BookGarden is designed to help children with special needs to not feel isolated. 

Through multiple levels with teamwork needed to achieve we strive for inclusion of different children so they can socialize more and to feel as everyone else. 


Solution target group

Target group for our solution are kids (6-13 years old) who are in elementary school and are just beggining to study and to learn.

Why them ? Because they need to know from very start of their life journey that they will always be provided with all the help they need and that they are not different from others. 

Solution impact

Impact can be measured by involvemenet of children through platform. 

If we think globaly and do locally we are already one step further than yesterday. 

We wan't to create a base for every other creative person that is willing to innovate in new ways of equality and studying. 

Happiness and reactions of parents and children would also be big indicator of our success. 

Solution tweet text

Planting a seed for everyone's need - BookGarden --> seed of knowledge and equality.

Solution innovativeness

Maybe our solution is particularly not as new as we know that some similar platforms exist, but with all elements that we put together (game time, quiz time, studying through games and levels, working in time, video calls, parental and teacher advisory for not overusing, etc.) is something new on market. 


Things that we are mostly proud of are : 

  • blue light filter
  • accesibility menu (font adjustment, text reader, screen colour reducement)
  • notification for using platform too much and that is time for pause 
  • interactive literature with base with all study materials. 

Solution transferability

We can adjust and implement our solution to every subject in elementary/high school as we can do it in Universities. 

Flexibility is key for making BookGarden a global project that can be used in every educational system in World. 


Solution sustainability

We are proud that we have many good partners in our hometown Niš and we can assure ourselves with their help. 

IT industry and companies, marketing and PR partners, teachers from schools, Science and techonology park Niš, etc. 

Every single of our stakeholders are firstly - our neighbours, our friends, our fellow citizens. They know what is value of platform and how would it impact on society. 


On mid term BookGarden will make a base with materials for studying and start with one subject in elementary school so we can see what can we do and to improve it even before it is final. Working alongside being used by teachers , BookGarden has potential of being modern platform with constant improvement. 

Long-term BookGarden can be platform that is used in every elementary school and, with its other versions, every high school and University firstly in Niš and then in Serbia, so we can create a base of knowledge and to try to implement it on region. 

Solution team work

We worked great, people (especially young people in Serbia) need more projects like this so they can feel more social.


Our team (Južna pruga) can work together on long-term because we are group that is ambitious, dedicated and connected. 

Južna pruga all the way! 


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital