The illiteracy will not change the world

The illiteracy will not change the world

Our challenge, your solutions


  1. Process

A harsh reality has been revealed, namely digital functional illiteracy, which comes as a probable consequence of the basic functional illiteracy of both young people and adults. The target group is represented by the students from our high school which is a mid-level high school.


Team: f_t-from -targu mures

Members roles and background

Teachers, engineers

Contact details,

Solution description

  1. Awarding criteria

In order to solve this problem, we must identify the causes that facilitate its presence, causes that are favored by a series of microsocial and macrosocial factors, such as:

  • influence on performance and educational progress
  • the level of psychosocial development of the person such as the sociocultural and geographical environment
  • of precariousness and social vulnerabilities with impact on the family nucleus, like: poverty, unemployment, alteration of welfare status. All this determines the shift of the individual's attention from the need and importance of personal and social development to the possibility of exiting the crisis situation in a short period of time, without taking into account the actions with a preventive and sustainable role.

The imbalance of the quality of the acquired acquisitions and their long-term importance is favored by the:

-overloading pupils and adults with additional tasks

-channeling education on cognitive acquisitions at the expense of developing instrumentally applied digital skills, facilitates the lack of interest of students and adults for discovery and personal involvement in knowledge

-poor, inadequate teaching means

-poor management of the educational environment

Solution context

  1. Points threshold

Considering that the students who comes to our school, most of them from nearby villages, from materially disadvantaged or single-parent families or from the outlying neighborhoods the problem is even bigger, the digital functional illiteracy is based on a basic functional illiteracy, so in the first hours,when we meet with them, and here I refer to the specialized classes, mechanics, electrical engineering we have to convince them that the computer does not mean only the Internet. And the internetit doesn't just mean games but banking apps, payments of utilities such as electricity, gas, digi, phone and others.

As measures to prevent digital functional illiteracy:

- using new technologies to communicate and search for information- digital initiation

-knowledge of basic skills, use of digital systems, internet, databases

- learning logical thinking and diminishing reproductive learning

-Increasing the applicability of teaching acquisitions

-awareness of the student with the immediate and long-term usefulness of informational acquisitions

Solution target group

Our example:

At the first meeting between the student and the teacher, a pencil is put in the student's hand

He must describe it in at least three sentences taking into account properties such as shape, color, length, using basic knowledge acquired in the eight years of elementary.

In the second stage he will have to increase the number of sentences to five using the new knowledge acquired in a new high school subject, namely the material from which it is made

In the third stage he makes a text written in word presenting the properties and materials from which the pencil is made

In the fourth stage (in which we are after three months of school) you need to make a simple drawing about the pencil(one rectangle - triangle), then color the geometric shapes of the pencil.

In the fifth stage you need to make a table with the pencils that it has in the pen

In the sixth stage you have to make a presentation in pptx of 9 slides including the previous stages

In the seventh stage you must achieve in excel the arimetic average of all the pencils held by the students of the class

In the eighth stage you have to make a payment of the electricity bill.

At the ninth stage you need to make an order of a set of pen from a specialized site.

In the tenth stage, a database containing the bills paid for energy in the last year must be made

Last but not least, an integral part of digital literacy has also become safety on the Internet, knowledge of notions of bank phising and not only, the attention paid on social networks.

This example in the form of the stages achieved can also be applied to adults who attend high school at the evening or personal development courses

The measure of our example can be sustainable over long periods to begin with results to move from verry poor to fair. And after some years can be sustainable to begin with results tom ove from fair to good , or very good.



Solution impact

Considering that the students who comes to our school, most of them from nearby villages, from materially disadvantaged or single-parent families or from the outlying neighborhoods the problem is even bigger, the digital functional illiteracy is based on a basic functional illiteracy, so in the first hours,when we meet with them, and here I refer to the specialized classes, mechanics, electrical engineering we have to convince them that the computer does not mean only the Internet. And the internetit doesn't just mean games but banking apps, payments of utilities such as electricity, gas, digi, phone and others.

Solution tweet text

As measures to prevent digital functional illiteracy: - using new technologies to communicate and search for information- digital initiation -knowledge of basic skills, use of digital systems, internet, databases - learning logical thinking and diminishing reproductive learning -

Solution innovativeness

At the first meeting between the student and the teacher, a pencil is put in the student's hand

He must describe it in at least three sentences taking into account properties such as shape, color, length, using basic knowledge acquired in the eight years of elementary.

In the second stage he will have to increase the number of sentences to five using the new knowledge acquired in a new high school subject, namely the material from which it is made

In the third stage he makes a text written in word presenting the properties and materials from which the pencil is made

In the fourth stage (in which we are after three months of school) you need to make a simple drawing about the pencil(one rectangle - triangle), then color the geometric shapes of the pencil. 

In the fifth stage you need to make a table with the pencils that it has in the pen

In the sixth stage you have to make a presentation in pptx of 9 slides including the previous stages

In the seventh stage you must achieve in excel the arimetic average of all the pencils held by the students of the class

In the eighth stage you have to make a payment of the electricity bill.

At the ninth stage you need to make an order of a set of pen from a specialized site.

In the tenth stage, a database containing the bills paid for energy in the last year must be made

In the seventh stage you must achieve in excel the arimetic average of all the pencils held by the students of the class

In the eighth stage you have to make a payment of the electricity bill.

At the ninth stage you need to make an order of a set of pen from a specialized site.

In the tenth stage, a database containing the bills paid for energy in the last year must be made

Last but not least, an integral part of digital literacy has also become safety on the Internet, knowledge of notions of bank phising and not only, the attention paid on social networks.

This example in the form of the stages achieved can also be applied to adults who attend high school at the evening or personal development courses

Solution transferability

As measures to prevent digital functional illiteracy:

- using new technologies to communicate and search for information- digital initiation

-knowledge of basic skills, use of digital systems, internet, databases

- learning logical thinking and diminishing reproductive learning

-Increasing the applicability of teaching acquisitions

-awareness of the student with the immediate and long-term usefulness of informational acquisitions

Solution sustainability

The measure of our example can be sustainable over long periods to begin with results to move from verry poor to fair. And after some years can be sustainable to begin with results from fair to good , or very good.

Solution team work

Filep Gyongyi and Tautan Sorin from Targu Mures / Romania 


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital