learning with gaming and networking
Website for elementary school children, whether reading clips or videos of the teachers teaching.hildren will have various play activities that will test their understanding there will be a social network on the site where students and teachers can communicate and ask questions, share information
Team: school-metiral
Team members
Helen Solomon, Eden Akilov, Sapir ZloofMembers roles and background
We are students in Information systems Bsc degree
Solution description
Our idea is to create a website where there will be curriculum for elementary school children, whether reading clips or videos of the teachers teaching. Each week the children will have various play activities that will test their understanding, in addition there will be a social network on the site where students and teachers can communicate and ask questions, share information and more..
Solution context
Lack of concentration and lack of monitoring by students of material being studied
Solution target group
Elementary school children
Solution impact
Have students follow the material being taught and be active rather than passive
Solution tweet text
Learning with GamingSolution innovativeness
Haven't done that
Solution transferability
Haven't done that
Solution sustainability
Haven't done that
Solution team work
Haven't done that