A Tablet that help blind people accessing educational information
a tablet screen that displays tactile text and graphics in real time in a way that will enable blind people to have near the same experience as a non-visually impaired users.
Team: BBB-Team
Solution description
The solution includes a tablet that can present the content to appear in a tactile way, which will enable the blind person to be able to feel and enjoy the same experience that another person without any vision problems has.
Solution target group
the target group are blind people
the solution will affect blind people in a way that it will ease their experience of using applications and smart technologies such as tablet, smart watches..
they will benefit by have the same experience that another person without any vision problems has
Solution impact
it will be measured by checking the percent of blind users among tablet users before and after the creation of this new solution.
Solution tweet text
blind people can use tabletSolution innovativeness
this is a first-of-its-kind solution that will change the market for blind people.
Solution transferability
no. only for blind people.
Solution sustainability
at first, we will use a small number of blind people for testing and then we will start talking to organizations that work with blind people and has access to a large number of people, and if we will see it is successful then we will go worldwide.
Solution team work
good teamwork.