EduLife Team #06

EduLife Team #06

Our challenge, your solutions

There is no more blind than the one who does not want to see.

As students, it is normal to worry only about our own interests, during the activities we carried out in checkpoints 1 and 2, we were able to realize the problems faced by thousands of students from underserved areas. Thus motivating us to find a solution.


Team: Astros de la Luna / Astros of the Moon

Team members

• Sarai Constanza Suárez García • Mariana López Estrada • Paola Ramirez Navarrete • Mariel Barajas Arzate • Eduardo Flores Mejia

Members roles and background

Mariana López Estrada: Team leader

Sarai Constanza Suarez Garcia: Idea Developer

Paola Ramirez Navarrete: Idea Developer

Mariel Barajas Arzate: Idea Developer

Eduardo Flores Mejía: Idea Developer

Contact details

Solution description

A program financially supported by multinational companies to train people from these marginalized areas, so that once the proposed workshops are finished they can be hired in these same companies

Solution context

Young students from marginalized populations who do not have access to decent education and teachers who do not have enough tools to provide quality education to their students

Solution target group

Customers: Companies interested in supplying their staff investing in schools with long-term returns

Users: People from marginalized areas: The population that lives on the margins of society, while the excluded would be those who have been completely marginalized from conventional social norms

Solution impact

One of the objectives of the program is to improve the lives of people who live in marginalized areas, so that they can specialize according to the needs of the companies that are within EduLife. It is for this reason that the name means "education for life". Since we believe that education is the basis to improve people's quality of life. The impact will be measured by the number of people who have completed their studies and received their certification. As well as the number of people who are working in a company

Solution tweet text

EduLife is an online / offline program financially supported by multinational companies to train marginalized people in different workshops. Students will be able to take the workshop they want and strengthen the knowledge acquired through internships.

Solution innovativeness

There are people who have applied it but in recognized schools, we focus on marginalized schools that no one looks at without knowing their potential.

Students will be able to install the program on their computer, carry out the workshop they want and strengthen the knowledge acquired through internships within the sponsoring companies of the platform. At the end of the course, they will be able to enter the EduLife job bank.

Solution transferability

Our solution, although it is focused on a problem, can be transferred to any context, since part of a solution that has been implemented previously, the difference is that it is designed to be used with the resources that people in marginalized areas have. . If we talk about examples, the program could be used as an application, physical learning tools. This focused on any area (education, work, leisure)

Solution sustainability

Marginalized schools and companies in need of personnel will make a connection or contract where the company economically supports the school and the students about to be graduated or already graduated will get work within the company, if they will help me the company, if they will help me the following. Of education in ls students and the performance of employees

Solution team work

The team is extremely equitable and we all contribute as much as we can, if someone comes up with an idea the other complements it, reaching conclusions that benefit the project.


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital