Custom game at computer science for children in elementary school
We want to introduce a basic operations in computer science by building a Custom game for children in elementary school and insert it as part of the compulsory study.
Team: Hackathon computer game
Solution description
The final product is a Custom game that introducing a basic operations in computer science
We think it should be part of the compulsory study in elementary school.
The benfit will be that in everyone will have the opportunity to experiment with computers and understand whether it is worthwhile to engage in it in the future.
Solution context
The problem is the lack of people who can work at Tech companies and knows Computer Science.
The challenge that we solving is Increasing the number of people who will work at high-tech companies in the future by introducing them to Basic concepts in computer science from an early age.
Solution target group
The target group of the solution is children in elementary school.
The solution will affect on the future of the children if he decides that he loves the subject and will want to continue learning computers at the future.
They benfit to the high-tech industry by having more people engaged in the profession.
Solution impact
Increasing the number of people who will work at high-tech companies in the future by introducing them to Basic concepts in computer science from an early age.
Solution tweet text
We give everyone a chance to learn computers from early ageSolution innovativeness
Our solution will be more Childrn friendly than the others app then can be found on the market,
we want to teach the operations in computer science with games and Challenges.
Solution transferability
Our solution can be used also as a standard computer game that every child can enjoy it and play at home regardless of the compulsory study.
Solution sustainability
The solution will be assimilated as part of the study material and can be used as a permanent subject in each student's system.
It will be for the long term.
Solution team work
The work in the team was very successful and everyone contributed to the issue, we would continue to work together in the future.