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How can we foster effective use of digital technologies?
Digital skills and competences are needed by everyone, for active citizenship and for the job market.

Fostering a confident, effective and safe use of digital technologies is essential for each individual to thrive in the digital era. Basic digital skills such as media literacy, online safety, and critical and responsible use of digital technologies are needed for communication, collaboration and content creation. The ubiquity of digital devices and applications, also requires educators to develop their digital competences.
On the other side, advanced digital skills are increasingly requested by a dynamic and technology based labour market.
How can we foster confident and effective use of digital technologies for individuals?
Basic digital skills - possible themes for challenges:
- Creative, critical and responsible use of digital technologies
- Critical thinking
- Media literacy
- Online safety
How can new and advanced digital skills be made more attainable?
Advanced digital skills - possible themes for challenges:
- Computational thinking
- Programming
- Cybersecurity skills