Share+ for sharing education in an unequal world
In the last years, the digital breach has been a worrying hurdle for education, this solution is made for those kids who do not have internet access, by sharing + apps made by Office programs, to help them learn in a fun, interactive, creative and must important, non connection-required way.

Team: SHARE+
Team members
Carolina Escamilla Salazar, Gabriela Angelina Bernal, Débora Cravioto Lomelín, Christian E. Durán Bonilla, Alejandro Gabriel HernándezMembers roles and background
Carolina [Logistics & Admon]
21 years old. I am from Toluca, future Industrial and Systems Engineer. I love technology, art and sports. I am an enthusiastic about social projects, new ideas and their development. I would love to make my part, leave a legacy in this world.
Gabriela [Design]
17 years old, I am Toluca, State of Mexico. Future engineer, passionate about science, technology and art, I am fascinated by creating initiatives that can transform the world, I really like the visual arts, reading, exercising and interacting with people who seek to change the world.
Debora [Coordination]
22 years old, I am from the State of Mexico. I like Polynesian dance, I love reading and music and also really enjoy living with my friends and activities for social and environmental causes.
Christian [Technology]
20 years old, from State of Mexico. I love philosophy, social causes and environmental culture. I really enjoy living life, contemplating the different emotions, feelings and experiences that we can live. Believing that it is the best we can do, "live with purpose"
Alejandro [Leader]
22 years old, from State of Mexico, studying Industrial Engineering and a passionate for helping other people.
Solution description
We designed an application, made in PowerPoint with hyperlinks, that help us to get, in executable format, an interactive application that only requires to be distributed with a professor or institution, for them to SHARE+ their students. By being attached to the official Mexican educational curriculum, from primary school to junior high school, we can assure there is content that will give rise to the professors, students, and parents to be involved with technology and student-motivation, enhancing digital education. No internet connection need is equal to a major scope for education, no limitation for disadvantaged communities.
This solution may be implemented in every institution that works with SEP System, this can be translated to thousands of kids using the contents at any time for what they are learning in their classes, even if they can not, they can work with the official textbooks and SHARE+ contents. By aplying this, in advance, we have seen that there are no limits, this idea can support any kind of educational model, just by adapting it to what is required, what it only takes is a punch of good people who want to do their bit: Collaboration is the future.
Solution context
There are many problems in the educational sector, what we focus in is the internet connection limits,and the motivation that sometimes this situation takes away from young people, students. Over the years we can see all the development and evolution that the technology has reached, but it only takes a second to look forward and to make count of lots of communities and people that do not have the same opportunity to access to the available technology.
Solution target group
This solution is focused on the young generations, students from primary school to junior high schools [basic education], however, we have been considering that our application template can be adapted easily. The professors // teachers and parents are also included, this because for reducing the digital breach, it is important to take in count the context of the children.
Solution impact
Along the development and improvement of this solution, we have seen that children are, in fact, motivated by the type of elements that collaborators include in the applications, the impact also relapses in the contribution and help that the project obtains, what we state is: contents from students, for younger students.
Solution tweet text
Share+ propose the creation of educational contents shareable and easy to download made by students with no internet connection and compatible with any device that teach and rehearse educational topics from primary school to junior high school.Solution innovativeness
Even there is no implementation of new technologies, what make us different is the way that we create our content, it is made by college students, who are looking for an improvement for the next generations education.
There are similar proposals, however the added value as the collaboration with students who identify the necessities in content and design totally makes up this idea unique.
Possibility to have access to this contents without internet connection and no specific or advanced software needed is the future too.
Solution transferability
A totally transferable solution: Our idea is maneable and easy to transfer to other necessities further than the education sector. This idea can be used to indentify the necessities and upgrades that a content in the stream could have.
Solution sustainability
By making contracts or papers with institutions and schools, the content may be distributed and our project will be supported.
Solution team work
We did great teamwork,each of us has different experiences which helped us to have different perspectives.
We will surely continue to work as a team, our roles were constantly changing through out the hackathon as each member had to learn from other member area.