Every aspect of informatio about education in one website
According to CNN 84% of students feel this problem. In addition, student rate, who are going to take master’s course, is increased by 44% in last 20 years. And for 2030 expectation is about 50% rise.300M people are disturbed, because of much fragmented information it’s hard to make decisions.

Team: Masters
Team members
Mariam Papukashvili, Revaz Migineishvili, Zaal Siordia, Nika Jologua.Members roles and background
Zaal Siordia-Idea, business.
Nika Jologua-idea, design
Revaz Migineishvili-additional ideas
Mariam Papukashvili-motivation
Solution description
To solute this problem we made Masters. Website where every type of information can be gathered-like university catalogues, registration to exam, courses, funding…
Solution context
Probem can be get belief of big universities.
Solution target group
Firstly it can be our country students. After more extend for more countries.
Solution impact
Our solution make things easier and will be comfortable for leasnres to get information in ne area.
Solution tweet text
We made site for every students who need guide into education.Solution innovativeness
Its esay for navigate, and enough for everyone. Also it can be used by any types of customers, even for persons with special needs. In this Tsituation Bot will help them, who has physical, psychical or sensorial disorders. Bot itself going to gather information and improve services.
Solution transferability
It has growth potential, for attach more people in our area.
Solution sustainability
For future: Masters is going to extend and help people to find more programs and courses about School’s, Bachelor’s and doctorate degrees.
Solution team work
Worked on idea: Mariam Papukashvili, Revaz Migineishvili, Zaal Siordia, Nika Jologua.