Cognitive Disabled

Cognitive Disabled

Our challenge, your solutions

Motivate the cognitive disable students

How might we help cognitive disability people?


Team: CD

Team members

Laiba, Danish, Laiba , Fatima, Saher

Contact details


Solution description

we will design a website where people with cognitive disabilities can get to know about this devices and they can easily explore new things and apps. we can use media such as illustration,symbols,video and audio. We aim to provide practical, step-by-step information and design to deliver effective best practices for web and digital accessibility.

Solution context

Pakistan with an estimated population of 160 million, 45% of which is below the age of 18, has higher than expected rates of intellectual disability.

Solution target group

Cognitive disabilities learners

Solution impact

Augmentation communication: To help cognitively disabled children learn through graphics and simple flow charts to drag their attention and develop their visual and speech

Solution tweet text

Motivate the cognitive disable learners

Solution innovativeness

Easily paid amount not too much nor less, beacuse we are trying to promote the use of digital technology so we will ask them to get friendly with the technology first. Once they will become comfortable then they will pay any amount for it.

Solution transferability

children would might get a bit addictive to digital devices and they might use them for extra, in solution we can set a time them to use the devices in limited times.

Solution sustainability

how might we help cognitive disability people we can use work each step in an assignment in different colors. also Assign a peer tutor and allow the peer or adult to read the text aloud.

Solution team work

Very impressive team work yes I want to continue


DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital