The Most Diet - Game and E Learning Platform

The Most Diet - Game and E Learning Platform

Our challenge, your solutions

Game for early teens and E Learning platform for young parents

Early teens and young parents have historically missed out on the importance of cooking and eating right which has burdened health care systems with chronic diseases like Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiac diseases and cancer. Gamification and e learning can bring about the required behavorial change.


Team: Team 4 - The Most Diet

Team members

Taushik Mandal, Nenad Saronjic

Members roles and background

Taushik Mandal  - 

Born and raised in India, now living in Valencia, Spain, where I arrived after a few years in Paris and Barcelona, to start a job as Sales Team Lead at a Spanish startup. I have a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and have 14 years combined experience under my belt in Sales, QA, IT Project Management, Entreprenuership and Photography. I have had a three year stint at Philips Healthcare in the development of their Intellispace Portal, a product that supports doctor's in providing non interventional diagnosis using medical images from MRI, CT scans etc.

Presently I am working on two personal projects. I am developing a project in Healthy fast foods with Valencia Activa and for the other I am putting in place the technology required by a group of expat taxi operators in Valencia to leverage the potential of their business. I have joined this challenge as I am passionate about innovation and health topics of all kinds.

Nenad Sarojic - 

From Serbia, currently in Valencia, doing my placement with "Pioneers into practice" programe.
I'm a project manager and IT specialist in PUC "Krusevac" from Krusevac, Serbia. Its a waste managament company

Contact details, +34674880238

Solution description

A mobile game platform for pre and early teens

Central Idea >> 

There is a need for early teens to learn about what foods serve their bodies best so that they do not grow up to be reliant on fast foods and also bad food habits in the later years of their lives which will bring about obesity, diabetes, cardiac diseases and cancer. The number of pre and early teens using a mobile phones and playing games or using it for social media is on the rise and this gives us an opportunity to target them with the right information about food, cooking and nutrition. The challenge would be to make these games as interesting as playing a FIFA game for example however we can still replicate the success of games like Candy Crush Saga, Fruit Loops etc. and use a similar theme to introduce the concepts of diet, nutrition, healthy foods right from an early age. Some example games are described below.

Game 1  - Master Digi-Chef

In this game, kids can be taught to cook by simulating a kitchen interface and giving them challenges in every level to prepare a nutritious meal for themselves, for family dinner, for friends, for a camping tour etc. The player will have to choose between a variety of healthy products, and diet methodologies to achieve the cooking task. Each item the player chooses to use to complete the task will have nutritional information and the challenge will also require the player to keep in mind the overall calorie value and net carbs in the meal. The success of the challenge will be gauged by the overall mood of the character in the game that consumes the meal. Challenges will include players having to improve the health of some of the characters in the game.

This approach will transmit the complete picture about nutrition and healthy eating habits through a model that kids love the most and this might also encourage kids to take up cooking in real life as well just as FIFA game encourages to play football for example.

Game 2 - FastFood Crush Saga

In this game, players will have to create groups of food items to progress. To receive higher points, the player has to consider calorie value and net carbs in their groupings. Lower points for grouping bad foods with high net carbs and calories. Points deduction for grouping candies, soda pop, alcohol, cigarettes etc. as the challenge in the game will increase by not only grouping good foods but also making sure that their groupings do not cause adjacent items to form a point deducting pair. 

This game will influence kids to make right food choices in and identify what is good for them and what causes 'point deductions' for health in real life situations as well. Access to education on nutrition should be available at grass roots level, around the same time when children learn language and computing skills.


E-Learning Platform for Young Parents

Central Idea>>

Pre and early teens need hand holding from their parents to suceed in their lives and thus the strategy that I propose will be stronger if we also include young parents in the learning phase of this behaviour change that I recommend. Also, kids follow every habit and behaviour of their parent and being the right role model is of utmost importance. When these kids grow up to young parents themselves, we can hope that they will pass on the same information to their kids and thus the objective of this digital initiative at this point of time is very crucial.

  • Logging into the e learning Platform with SIP card information
  • Information on Statutory Warnings driven by data analysis, for products responsible for spiking blood sugar levels and other other harmful side effects
  • Regular talks by prominent Health Care providers about what foods parents should consider consuming  for their families needs in order to avoid chronic diseases
  • Video tutorials to make healthier versions of our favorite foods with alternative ingredients that do not harm our body
  • Accredited courses in nutrition
  • Recommendation of tutorials and courses based on health records fetched with SIP login
  • Talks on the harmful effects of excessive consumption of Carbohydrates and net carbs
  • Commerce of health food products on the app including delivery
  • Facility to subscribe to diet plans prepared by nutritionists at no cost
  • Social feature to allow community of patients to share their results and experiences after following a certain diet. 
  • Follow up session with assigned physician for check up after following a diet program for a month, thus getting data on improvements and what changes need to be made to the plan
  • Guide on how to choose products from the supermarket
  • Monthly bootcamps on cooking and eating healthy

Solution context

In a city like Valencia with a population of approximately 900000, the number of people with diabetes is at an all time high with reports suggesting as many as 750000 of its inhabitants are diagnosed with Diabetes or are pre diabetic. This is mainly down to the choice of diet. Some other facts about diabetes and related diseases fetched from

  • Diabetes is related to obesity 
  • 4.72 million deaths caused by Obesity
  • 400 million people were diabetic in 2014
  • NHS in UK spends 10 billion pounds each year on Diabetes and related disease treatment
  • A vial of insulin costs a patient $250 and they need 4 to 5 vials a month

Some facts about Ketogenic diet

  • Most popular diet in the online space, even more than vegan and vegetarian diet combined
  • Over 104 vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Valenica, but not one for Keto
  • Keto diet helps in diabetes type 2 management, fights obesity, prevents cardiac diseases and spread of cancer
  • Ketogenic Diet market size is estimated to grow at CAGR of 5% with revenue $ 1.18 Billion during the forecast period of 2020-2024.
  • The ´Year-Over-Year´growth rate for 2020 is estimated at 4.3% by the end of 2024.
  • 32% of the projected growth will come from Europe. Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Russia will be the leading markets

Healthcare systems can be at the forefront of this change and be real leaders by speaking out loud about not only the benefits of eating right but also influencing the population on how to do it right through this strategy that I propose.

Solution target group

The target group is

  • Pre teens
  • Early teens
  • Young parents

Solution impact

The impact of the Solution

  • Transmit informaiton about nutrition to pre and early teens
  • Mobile games with an educational angle for nutrition
  • Learn to cook at a very early age as it is very important for survival and also well being
  • Eating low carbs will help avoid pre diabetic conditions, Diabetes Type 2, Obesity, Cardiac diseases and prevent cancer growth
  • Reduction in chronic diseases will un-burden health care systems
  • Health care providers will graduate from a reactive role to a proactive role
  • Increased interaction between health care providers and community
  • Young parents will be empowered to provide the right care to their children
  • Parents will play a bigger role in development of future generation
  • A fresh perspective at health care systems 

Solution tweet text

Don't allow your family's history of Diabetes and Obesity to continue in the coming generations. Sign up on The Most Diet platform and allow our e learning tools, games and certifications to upgrade your understanding of nutrition for your family and you and make a real change!

Solution innovativeness

  • First feedback based e learning platform for nutrition and cooking
  • Pre and Early teens are inducted to topics like nutrition and cooking around the same time they learn language and computing skill
  • Gamification of learning of topics that are overlooked durig formative years
  • Certification on Nutrition for everyone
  • As the burden on health systems reduces they can change roles from reactive to proactive by taking up the position of an educator
  • A fresh way of introducing low carb way of eating 

Solution transferability

The same approach can be used for reducing the burden on health systems on

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Drug Abuse

Solution sustainability

The strategy can be implemented with the support of health systems in the following stages

  • Stage 1 - Prepare the Mobile Games and E Learning Platform
  • Stage 2 - Login intergration with SIP details
  • Stage 3 - Prepare content for certification course in Nutrition
  • Stage 4 - Quarterly community events, gatherings, bootcamps like a 'Fiesta de al Dieta'
  • Stage 5 - Annual gaming conventions for pre and early teens to compete with other users

Solution team work

I was put in a team 5 where only I was participating in ideation and Nenad in talks with mentors and proof reading. The other team members may have dropped out of the program. 

I am not new to team work as I have worked in consulting and healthcare teams across my career and open to being introduced to new team members who can contribute in the success of the project.

* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.

DigiEduHack 2021 partners & supporters

DigiEduHack is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University. In 2021, the main stage event is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in cooperation with the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI) under the auspices of UNESCO.

EIT Climate-Kic

Aalto University

European commission

Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence

EIT Community: Human Capital