InterrUP - Combine learning with amusement
InterrUP - is a mobile parental control app that is complemented with learning materials and assignments that children is required to finish in order to earn digital leisure time.

Team: BoringDev
Team members
Jalil Jabbarli, Nijat Namazzade, Vusal Huseynov, Ramil TaghiyevMembers roles and background
Jalil Jabbarli - CEO. Jalil has contributed to ideation a lot and has participated in various hackathons and contests.
Nijat Namazzade - Full-stack app developer. Nijat is a skilled app developer and he has published 2 apps on the Play store.
Vusal Huseynov - Web developer. Vusal is very good at developing websites with beautiful designs. He is a web developer at an Azerbaijani startup.
Ramil Taghiyev - Copywriter. Ramil has great language skills and has participated in contests.
Contact details
Solution description
InterrUP - is a mobile parental control app that is complemented with learning materials and assignments in it. By completing assignments, a child earns points, which he or she can spend on leisure activities such as games or social media. This way, the child has a motivation to learn and learning is associated with pleasure from leisure activities that will follow. The indicator of successful work of app would be improved children's academical performance in the region
Solution context
These days children spend a lot of time using gadgets,playing video games etc;therefore, most of them lose their motivation to study. Of course, they should waste less time, and more of this time could be dedicated to something more special and beneficial in long run. Thus, The amount of time spent with gadgets in certain apps or websites and the efficiency of the time spent should be regulated. Since the vast majority of children don’t realise it, the responsibility falls solely on the shoulders of parents who want their children to be educated and intelligent.
Solution target group
Our application would mainly be aimed at children and their parents who pay a lot of attention to the time and the quality of content their children consume online.
Solution impact
Application has a direct positive impact both on children and their parents. Also,our solution is original since it combines learning with entertainment content in an interactive way.The app will improve children's core academic skills. As children learn new materials that are selected depending on the children's age, parents are happy and worry less because their child develops academically. Also, the app can be used all over the world and be modified based on a particular country's education system.
Solution tweet text
Parental control app combines education and entertainment to help you monitor your child's mobile usage and stay in touch with what they're up to. We know how important it is to keep an eye on your kid's digital activities.Solution innovativeness
Our solution is original since this application links learning with entertaining content in an interactive way. There are ordinary parental control apps on the market, but they do not function as our’s.
Solution transferability
Our mobile application can be very useful all over the world because of some reasons:
Firstly, no matter what the education system in a particular country is, further improvements in knowledge are helpful to all children
Secondly, again, the vast majority of children manage their spent time with gadgets improperly, so our application would be practical
Solution sustainability
Expenditures: the creation of mobile app, educational content creation, promotion and app maintenance. As early prototype of our app is ready, we estimate that finishing the app will require between 4000$ and 7000$. App maintenance(servers etc.) costs will depend on the number of users. Promotion and content creation can be done with partnership with governments, or our team can search content online. Here are options of application maintenance and profit.
- Free-to-download app with occasional ads in it in order to sustain the server and a right of being on the market
- App would still be free to download, but now it would require a subscription in order to work.
- Totally free-to-use app with absolutely no ads in it and will work because of government support
In the mid-term, we will launch our application on market,and it will gain its first users,then some funds would be allocated to promotion and further updates and improvements thus we will get additional users. As for the long-term, we predict that millions of children will be more motivated to study because of our app
Solution team work
We believe that our team cooperated well. Every team member was assigned a task and finished it on time. We are pretty sure that we'll cooperate in upcoming events.
* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.