Let's encourage paperless digital communication & green lifestyle
GoGreen is designed for schools, teachers and students with the purpose of enhancing a paperless school community and embracing a greener lifestyle.
GoGreen encourages educators and students to choose gamification and digital tools to boost teaching/learning and improve administrative processes.

Team: Gogreen
Team members
Karina Batat, Zohar Alon, Tal Shimoni, Orly Shemesh, Halit Chernobrov, Sivan Elmaliach, Smadar AlonMembers roles and background
Karina Batat - Head of Beta School - the Israeli FCL; FCL Network Lead Ambassador, entrepreneur; Pedagogical Mentor, teachers trainer and teacher
Zohar Alon - Technology executive and entrepreneur, expert in development, operations and business development in the domains of: Education, IT, Web, Mobile, Media and Broadcasting.
Tal Shimoni - Director, Engineering Operations and Strategy at Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Equality Council Coordinator
Orly Shemesh - Developer and Owner at Nitan Behaava, board games and training cards for improving social skills.
Halit Chernobrov – An Israeli educator and a teacher of English as a second language.
Sivan Elmaliach – elemtry school math and science teacher
Smadar Alon - innovative educator, math teacher, teachers trainer, entrepreneur and owner of educational startup.
Contact details
Solution description
The product is an app that will encourage people to take action – use less paper and maintain sustainability improvements.
Forms, questionnaires and any formal correspondence between the school and the students, including the student’s parents is done via dedicated digital options within GoGreen.
Each user will submit activities he performed while using digtal tools instead of paper. Incentives to the users are given in form of leaf, that is decorating a specific tree, for every approved activity that was submitted. For every bundle of new leaves the user will gain gifts such as whattapp stickers, template for Instagram story, Tik Tok challenge, etc.
The solution will be measured by its no. of user and no. of activities submitted weekly/monthly/annually.
GoGreen enables a contest between users entities (classes, schools, cities) as to which succeeded the most in digitizing it’s activities.
The challenge owner will benefit in several aspects. To begin with, we will be a part of a global movement to help our planet. Furthermore, in the second cycle we plan to introduce ads relevant to climate education and saving the earth.
Solution context
GoGreen addresses one of the biggest era challenges: climate crisis.
GoGreen is an app that aims to promote climate education. What is Climate Education?
Climate Education is a crucial part of environmental education, education for sustainable development and eco-social competence. The main goals of climate education include building a sustainable future, inspiring action – activating people to tackle climate change - and practicing influencing skills at the social and personal levels.
As determined by UNESCO, Climate action is one of the key thematic priority of ‘ESD for 2030’, the Education for Sustainable Development’s global framework for the next 10 years.
We are facing a massive use of paper in our classrooms and school administration.
Our first challenge is to recruit the school stuff to digitize more and more administrative questionnaires and forms. Our second challenge is convincing educators to use digital tools instead of paper-based activities. Our main challenge, though, is to recruit the students to be a part of the climate change movement.
Gamification elements will be included in order to motivate users.
Solution target group
Our target group is the entire school community – educators and stuff, students and parents.
We are aiming at the entire school community to particiapte in this life changing movement.
Solution impact
The impact we strive for is to promote a behavioral change. This will be measured by the amount of activities submitted and social network publications tagged to GoGreen.
Solution tweet text
Plant and raise a digital tree! The App user submits activities performed while using Digital tools rather than paper. An approved activity will grow a new leaf on the tree. For every bundle of new leaves, the user will gain gifts such as WhatsApp stickers, template for InstagSolution innovativeness
You can find apps that deal with climate change however the combination of gamification and social networks is unique. The movement towards a paperless community with elements of gamification and social networks is innovative.
The mere idea using digital tools as opposed to paper is innovative in itself.
Solution transferability
The solution is transferable to other sustainable elements such as plastic, gas, fuel, textile, etc.
Also the solution is applicable for work places and not only school systems.
Solution sustainability
In the mid term we plan to introduce the app to all the schools of our city (approx. 60 schools 5000 educators and 60000 Ss) Petah Tikva and in the long term we will go into a District in the MoE.
Solution team work
Our team efforts were outstanding.
We grouped together educators, technical specialists and entrepreneurs, most of us didn't meet each other prior to DigiEduHack. We worked as a united team, with most respect for one another. The sessions were extremely productive and we improved our idea on the move.
* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.