Family is going back 2 School
Our mission is to get families back to playing an active and important role in the educational process. We want families, as well as students, to be able to participate in the school's daily routine and share their opinions, ideas and doubts.
Team: Schoolies
Team members
Joana Gonçalves / Rafaela Araújo/ Dara Sanches / VivaldiMembers roles and background
Joana Gonçalves - Teacher
Rafaela Araújo - Human Resource management student
Dara Sanches - Human Resource management student
Vivaldi -
Solution description
Our ideia is to boost the students performance by creating a platform that can envolve parents with the student´s school life.
This platform will allow parents to participate in the school activities and plans through the following mechanisms:
- Parents can see the students grades, if they are absent from classes, what they are learning in each subject
- Schedule an online meeting with the Educational Counselor or the school psychologist
- Suggestions area where parents can share contacts, opinions, activities ideas, improvement ideas or concerns.
- Online Chat for each class where the topics from the Parents´meetings can be discuss and solved ( for parents that can´t be present in this meetings)
- Creating monthly challenges for parents and students to solve together with an annual valorization premium ( for the families with higher percentage of participation)
- Virtual Assistant available
Solution context
Problem: Lack of interaction between families and school which results in decreased the students school performance
Challenge: Bring the families back again to the Educational Process
Solution target group
Our target group are the students' families, schools and students.
School benefit: Facilitates the educational process, reintegrate the concept of education between families and school
Families Benefit: Improve the relationship between the student and the family, greater commitment with the Educational Process, reintegrate the concept of education
Students' Benefit: Increased school performance and greater commitment to the school
Solution impact
- Increased school performance
- Greater collaboration between families and school
- Improving the school/home environment
- A more complete and structured educational process
Measure: Through the number of families accesing the platform and the interactions within it
Solution tweet text
#Familyisgoingback2schoolSolution innovativeness
- Active participation of parents through the challenges
- Accessing and sharing information that would otherwise be difficult to access
Solution transferability
In the future, this platform can be use:
- Internship Companies
- Erasmus Partners
- Erasmus Students
- Partner Companies
Solution sustainability
Implement an annuity system for parents to use the platform
Solution team work
It was a huge challenge that we had as a team but we are all happy with the result and sure that we want to continue to work as a group.
* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.