An innovative web product to clear the future of our kids.
We are making an web based product to help elementary school kids to find what their like, to find their passion.

Team: E.V.A
Team members
José Antonio Beristáin García, Juan Antonio Ortíz LeyvaMembers roles and background
José Antonio Beristáin García:
- Knowledge in programing with python, c++ and javascript
- Knowledge in websites about html, css, bootstrap, and sql
Juan Antonio Ortiz Leyva:
- Knowledge in entrepeneurship
- Experience in social entrepeneurships
Contact details
Solution description
It is a web site product in where you have a menu of actions you want to do. It is intended to be a software for elementary schools so we can help them innovate in their educational model. The main action of the product is the game integrated, that will have modes that will are going to be about the different types of careers/jobs in a simple mode that an elementary school student can understand and enjoy it. The objective of those modes is that the kids can explore and experience different things so they maybe even unconsciously can start knowing what kind of activities they like and they not while they have fun and above all, learn about different . Another action is for the professor and parents to see the times or preferences the kid have, with this the parents with their kids can choose better extracurricular activities so the kid can have better experiences and in a future have at least an idea about what they like and what they would want to study.
Solution context
We as college students, have witnessed how hard was for many people to choose their career, and even initiated the college, there were some students that change of career. Like a report of eduaction first says, every year between the 30% and the 40% of the students change careers during the first semesters. The same report says that this can be because a lack of information, vocational orientation, and even because of friendships. So we want to reduce that phenomena, we want to start informating them even earlier, in the elementary school, so they have the time to discover what is their passion.
Solution target group
Our target group are the students and elemtary schools. We will affect students, parents, and elementary schools. Students will have a clearer way of what they like and would like to do in a future, parents will have the oportunity to give a better education to their kids and help them in better way in a future to help them decide what career study, and schools will have an innovative product to offer and gain more students.
Solution impact
We will impact the entire country, because education is one of the most important things in the life of a person. We will impact the students so they really choose a career that they feel passion about, something they enjoy and not something they ¨have to do¨. So we could innovate in the educational sector helping to form more prepared students for the challenges of the future.
Solution tweet text
You want to find your passion?, don't know what you like? then our solution is for you (or your kid probably). We will offer experiences for you to discover what you can do and above all what you want to do, so #FindyourpassionSolution innovativeness
We will offer new experiences to kids using a web site, so it can be a lot cheaper than paying a lot of courses and products that only offer you one kind of experience. Our experiences are going to be digital, we are going to make digital innovative education.
Solution transferability
Yes, because it is a web site, the technology can be used practicly everywere, and the idea of an interactive and fun teaching can be used to teach a lot of things.
Solution sustainability
We plan to sell it like an educative software for elementary schools, especially with the private schools because they have more economical resources. But in our wish to affect the more students we can, we want to make some asociations with organizations that could be interested in giving that tool to the public education sector so it can be implemented in some public schools. But even though we would like to make that plan we also think to offer the product to individually, not necessarily to schools.
Solution team work
We work really well because we have a lot to contribute in different aspects, so our skills get complented with the ones of the other and we could ideate the product. We could work as a team in a future and more that now we know how to do it and have experience on it.
* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.