Enjoy the study of Literature with our bot's help
A bot, named "A.I. for Literature", which will help students (but not only!) solve the most common difficulties in learning this subject.
Team: IESS for Literature
Team members
Giovanni Berni, Matilde Dugoni, Gabriele Mussini, Riccardo Sansone and Cecilia Sidoli.Members roles and background
All of us are high school students attending the last year at Liceo IESS.
Gabriele, Riccardo and Cecilia study foreign languages while Giovanni and Matilde scientific subjects.
Matilde, Cecilia and Gabriele developed the presentation; while Giovanni and Riccardo designed and coded the bot. However, we all shared our ideas to get the best result, in spite of our little experience on this subject.
Solution description
A.I. for Literature learning
Our bot's aim is to make the study of Literature far more captivating and efficient than boring lessons at school, in order to improve students' performances and to satisfy the curiosity of other users.
We have created a bot which can be easily accessible by some social networking sites (such as Telegram). Thanks to this type of technology, studying Literature will surely become an acitivty everyone likes doing.
How does "A.I. for Literature" work?
By choosing the type of Literature you would like to study (e.g. English Literature), you are then guided by our bot to select the author you need to deepen or to revise. Successively, you need to choose the author's text/play/novel. From now on, you simply have to decide which kind of interactive exercise you prefer doing, select it and just follow the bot instructions!
You will be encouraged to learn more and more by watching interactive videos with roleplays or even by doing diferent kinds of exercises which will test your knowledge on the topic. You may also act the part of a chosen character just you and the bot (e.g. think of Romeo if you want to revise the play 'Romeo and Juliet') or interact with another online user to simultaneously revise different parts.
Our bot also offers other types of exercises and those above are just a few examples to understand how much you can deepen your knowledge while studying with the bot. Scholastic results are, of course, the most tangible ones and by approaching Literature in an engaging way (as our bot does) they won't wait long!
You will take great advantage from our 'A.I. for Literature' and we assure you a constant improvement thanks to any feedbacks we may receive, grateful to contribute to the progress of studying techinques.
Solution context
In our school experience, we all have faced several problems trying to learn subjects which prove to be tough for everyone.
The main problems students usually face at school concern an inability to undestand or to remember the main topics they study. Moreover, they usually find the activity of traditional studying extremely complex and intricate. Comprehending the key concepts also result as a problem to most of us.
More often than not, students are forced to study subjects they are not interested in. Just imagine that you are a student passionate about scientifc subjects (such as Maths or Physics) and that you have to study English Literature, without even be proposed a valid method to deal with it.
'A.I. for Literature' is here for these specific purposes: making learning a far more engaging and enriching activity.
Solution target group
Students are, for sure, our main target group and this bot may help them dealing with those issues we all face at school. Whether you are a student who is not interested in studying Literature or you love this subject, we believe that by using our bot to learn or revise Literature, your scholastic results and your personal knowledge will surely benefit from it.
However, everyone, even adults, can use 'A.I. for Literature' to deepen their preparation Literature or to learn some insights about the subject whenever they want to do so.
Solution impact
If our solution is implemented in the school teaching system, students will be able to approach the study of Literature with more motivation and more will. They will find the activity of studying extremely engaging and they won't regret spending some time with the bot as it reveals to be a reliable source of information.
Thanks to some surveys, schools, students and people in general can express their opinion on our invention and we will be willing to make any change whenever needed.
Solution tweet text
'A.I. for Literature' is the new way to study literature. A bot will guide you through engaging and charming exercises which will replace boring lessons as well as the traditional and passive study methods. Once you try it, you will regret not having discovered it sooner!Solution innovativeness
According to our research, our idea is unique and never used before. Some similar solutions might be found on the internet, however ours will be a mix of all of them with a touch of original suggestions, making the bot the most useful tool on the market regarding the study of Literature.
The majority of books and online sources usually offer maps and summaries rarely functional to a deep understanding and long-lasting learning.
'A.I. for Literature' introduces 4 innovative concepts:
- it is a bot! Never a bot has been used for Literature learning;
- active and interactive learning: the user may watch a short movie in which the text/play/novel is briefly acted, in order to understand the plot and avoid reading pages and pages in the book. Moreover, through the activity of reciting you can revise and study excerpts of your text. You are also offered connections between different themes that are linked to your chosen text;
- continuous training: through a system of notifications that can be set by the user, the bot will send a reminder to review the topic (e.g. after a few months) and keep refreshing it;
- personalised education pathway: whether you are a teenager or an adult, you can choose what to see and revise specific content.
Solution transferability
'A.I. for Literature' is extremely flexible in all its parts:
- worldwide Literature is included, no matter where you live and what you are looking for;
- it can be used by students and teachers at school and at home, as well as by any adults who want to improve their knowledge.
Solution sustainability
We believe that our solution can be easily and rapidly applied in the real world.
At the beginning our bot may face some bugs which we will be happy to solve.
In the future, the concepts applied to 'A.I. for Literature' might be extended to other subjects with the same aim of helping people learning in an effective and enjoyable way.
Solution team work
As a team, we got on well with each other. We divided our roles and everyone had a specific work to conclude. However, we did not hesitate to share our ideas and opinions on every aspect of our project (it has to be said that we could always find a solution and reach a common agreement).
As for the future, we highly hope we will be given another opportunity to work together one more time as well as to improve our idea.
* Climate-KIC publishes the proposed solutions developed during the DigiEduHack event solely for the purposes of facilitating public access to the information concerning ideas and shall not be liable regarding any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use any of the proposed solutions shared on its website neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Climate-KIC cannot guarantee that the text of the proposed solution is an exact reproduction of the proposed solution. This database is general in character and where you want to use and develop a proposed solution further, this is permitted provided that you acknowledge the source and the team which worked on the solution by using the team’s name indicated on the website.