A new world open to limitless opportunities and possibilities
Imagine living in a world where learning new skills, knowledge and experiences are offered in one place. Without having the limitations of income issues, lack of resources and time. A world where young and old can accomplish all their dreams. A world where our decision now, may bring this to life.

Team: TIFY Team Interactive Future Youths
Members roles and background
Students from Cosmopolitan College Brunei
Jersey- Team Leader- HnD Creative Media
Ifwwat and Wani - Team members- HnD Business
Contact details
Solution description
Our proposal solution is creating Simulation ( AR and VR) Centers/ facilities that are open to the public, which are also another form of educational institutes with the assistance and management of AI and people. Similar to the concept of a public library but this time, you can really be in the world you are learning about and many more than you ever could have posibly imagined being in.
Why Simulation ( AR/VR) and AI. Why not other technologies under Industry 4.0 like data analytics, cloud back uop and so forth? Those other technologies can already easily be replaced by machinery in the future, they are usful yes but those are repetitive jobs and skills However with the two as mentioned, you can still be able to maniplate their functions with the help of human creativity. Something that no tech can ever replace in the world. Adding the human creativity can expand the generalized build or idea of how Simulations and Ai function,.
Education right now is digitalized worldwide. Factors to that development are because of the continouous technological advancments, which is a ubiqitous part of our lifestyle. Another factor that comes into play is because of the "New Normal" known as the covid era. Students are now having online classes as part of the distance safety regulations and other restrictions.
However, not all the students in the world have the opportunity nor even the simplest of resources to join these online classes or lessons. There are children in the world, just like in Sri Lanka, that do not have access to mobile phones and even stable internet connection. An article recently mentioned on how the Youth in Sri Lanka, especially the ones living in the rural areas, have to travel for miles with along with their classmates just to access internet connection. Other villages have their classes in forest reserves, mountains, in the jungle, just to learn online. It even shows that 4-5 children have to share one device because not all of them are able to afford one.
The solution we are providing can enhance digital learning even further without worrying about the simplest of resources, providing for the masses and internet connectivity. These public simulation centres can accomodate an entire classroom and porbably more in one room. Students will have less to zero requirements to be pressured about attaining certain resources to be here. All they need to do is bring their hunger to learn, creativity and attention. These centres will provide a wider perspective of the subjects that are being taught in an average traditional classroom.
Subjects where they can further explore the world by actually feeling, seeing, hearing and betterwet interacting at a safer distance. Centres like these will not require the access to internet rather, there wil already be created softwares and programmes to provide the information neceessary to the class depending interests and more. Expanding the reaches of education to further heights. Making them not onlyadaptable to the world around them but also exppandable and higher chances of landing their dream job(s) due to th other concpt of job readiness in skills mentioned in Industry 4.0
Implementing this soultion not just to the educational structure of Sri lanka, but also to others worldwide, countries like in asia where I reside in, can aid in advancing myself and my teams skills and exprience for other jobs that we wish to partake in the future that we thought we could not have gained access to because we also lack certain amenities to support that. This would be a great opportunity to see the other youths being able to reach their dreams and accomplishments better in this life than the past.
Solution context
Currently we are tackling the issues of internet connectivity, loss of opportunity, lacking income, issues providing to the masses and unavailability of resources. We are providing a solution that makes all these issues lessen and not present in the near future. Education should be provided and accessesible to all without the having these problems.
Solution target group
The solution is focused on those marginalized groups. Those with physical and mental disabilitues, living un rural and economical poverty. They take up 81.2% of the population of Sri lanka (since agriculture is the main supporting sector for their economy)
These centres will have features that can accomodate these marginalized groups, providing education to all and not leaving anyone out. That is our aim. As mentioned, they will not need to worry about fitting in, having difficulty catching up in class due to thir different understanding and that they will never need to worry about lacking any resources to attend these classes in these institutes. Learning will not be as pressuring or difficult or divided unequally among them.
Why them? Further questions on our decisioned will definately be questioned. Quoting from a news article I read many years ago will answer it.
"Imagine there is someone in the world, somone who is living in economic disparity/ poverty/ war that could have found a cure for cancer and all other possible diseases. Possibly have the answers to the questions the world holds but , hey just dont have the right resources to make that happen."
Solution impact
The impact is to build a world that holds no bounds nor limitations to learning and reaching for your dreams., Measuring this would be by taking an extra step up away from just spreading awareness like this. Hold demonstartions, build models of these facilities to show the difference it could make in the world if this solution was implamented.
Solution tweet text
Live in a world where the sky is no longer the limit, nor the great beyond of the universe. A world of boundless education and accomplished dreamsSolution innovativeness
There may other countries that have developed the use of Simulation but that is the physical one that is popurlarized. AR and VR have been used in the medical field and coorporate officer however, the idea of having facilities and centres on simulation (AR/VR) made open specifically to the public has not been heard of just yet. Sure, there may be ones that private companies have but having a place that is accessible to everyone regardless of the issues as mentioned above is something new.
A place that can help not just small groups but the entire nation to learn and advance further into the future, investing less time ot carry out more output ( the 80/20 method)
Solution transferability
Introducing this to other asian countries who are not as economically or technologiaclly advanced like the rest. Those that can't afford to bring all the youth to learn and provide them other opportunities. Those who have a dense population and can't tackle to attend the needs of everyone such as providing a security in their education for the future. Even those countries that are slowly developing their way with the help of Industry 4.0 like Brunei and Singapore. Further enhancing their currrent skills and knowledge for the future generations.
This could also be put to use in medical areas, corporate, scientific, psychological and other physical fields in the world. these institues are not just limited to providing education but also developing new worlds and streamlines of jobs that are in line to Industry 4.0.
Solution sustainability
This solution will have a 10 year development plan starting from 2024-2034. As Sri Lanka like all countries are experiencing an eeconomic crisis due to Covid affecting their exports and such, it will take several years for the country to bounce back and being able to fund and provide this idea to all parts of the country. Sri Lanka has proposed a strong budget defence as announced in october of this year, for the following yar in 2022. Although this has come into play, again it will take time for the country to financially recover.
Within the span of 10 years, there are 3 phases. Year 1 (Pilot) , Year 5 (Milestones) and Year 10 (Completion).
Year 1 is all about awareness, having webinars, forums, live discussions and educating not just the youth about this but also the main people of power, the government and existing industries in this area about Industry 4.0 ( since the tech is all about it too) . As I write this, this is one of the ways of spreading awareness to this solution and idea. The challenge during this time that will be addressed is language competency.
Year 5, this is where everything that has happened before, all the plans that had pushed through, to view their effectiveness and what can be added or change. A time where the people that was trained and provided insight on this will be recruited into the tech industry. Further comissioning and handover will take place here. Developing and eevolving the plans and ideas that can be used to further enhance the plan.This is also where small facilities of these public simulations will already been built.
Year 10, all parts of Sri Lanka, even in rural parts (which by this time will be even more developed, due to the new education form and insights on these technologies) will have these public facilities built and made accessible for everyone and anyone.
Solution team work
I can say it was challenging in the beginning. We had no particular knowledge about the country and how to go about giving the solution. Limited by a few number of days, there was pressure and worry. However we did not falter or have any argumnents or such. Issues that would you see when a group is being pressured or challenged. There were areas that i had to teach them from the ground up before we could tackle the bigger questions and ideas so that things will run smoothly.
We have worked effctively together, enthusiam and understanding were the highlighted parts of this team. Whenever we were presented with a daunting task, we had taken the time to make sure everyone had an understanding and that there is clarity in communication. Tasks were assigned to everyone so that we can all be equal in presenting ideas and such. It was organized and well planned for each meeting. They were resilient and constantly wanted to keep trying, making the effort and time to help bring this final solution.
It would be nice to work as a team again in the future, in other cases it would also be nice to have others join in this team to expand each others skills and those who have the pasion to make the same changes for a better world.
- Countries that have implemented Industry 4.0
- Technology in Industry 4.0
- Education in Industry 4.0
- Advantages of Simulations
- Advantages of Simulations
- Technological Skills
- Simulation in Education
- Education Development
- Becoming Technologically Developed
- Countries that use Industry 4.0
- Education 4.0
- Requirements in Education 4.0
- Adaption on AR in world
- AR shaping future facilities
- Digital Data of Sri Lanka
- Budget Plan
- Youth of Sri Lanka Learning Favorable Skills.
- Presentation Link