So how this is going to work?
The process begins with a regular lesson on an online platform.
In today's world, we have a variety of people and behavior patterns that we want to address appropriately.
Our algorithm is able to identify behaviors with our AI technology and rate them accordingly.

Team: Zoom Emotions ISR
Team members
Yuval Koren, Amit Malul, Shoval Levi, Omer Bin Nun, Shrey GuptaMembers roles and background
Yuval Koren - Founder
Shoval Levi - Designer
Omer Bin Nun - COO
Amit Malul - Head of Marketing
Solution description
Post Coronavirus pandemic researches and studies suggest that young students have suffered the most due to a stark shift in the learning pattern as the classes moved online. The participation and willingness of students to communicate and answer during classes have declined tremendously during online studies.
The teachers need to know their students because the more they get to know each student, the better they can teach them to learn. Restricted interactions and the inability to judge what’s in the mind of the students have increased the troubles for both teachers and parents as they are unable to understand whether the students understand the classes or not.
Our tool empowers the teachers and parents to analyze the student’s behaviour better using standard parameters and evaluate the student’s attention, response, initiative, and attentiveness towards the class. This analysis, coupled with the teacher’s theoretical assessments, could help understand how well the student has grasped the contents discussed in the class.
Solution context
There are not enough educational solutions for all types of students
With our solutions, we can reach all types of students and analyze their emotions during the lesson.
Solution target group
Students in elementary school
Solution impact
The impacts of our solution can be enormous and relevant, and they can be measured by best practices, grades, and behavior
Solution tweet text
Identify and analyze students emotions during a lesson by AI technologySolution innovativeness
It would be very easy to find this solution on the market because we are using an existing algorithm.
What makes the difference is that nobody uses this in the education world and uses it in other industries.
Solution transferability
As we said before, this technology is already used in other industries
Solution sustainability
Our plan is to implement this idea in small groups of students or maybe students that take private lessons.
Solution team work
Of course! each of us has a huge part in this plan