Intreractive plurilingual activities about Global Warming effect.
Our aim was to create interactive pluringual activities with social purpose: learning in six different languages (Greek, English, French, German, Polish, Arabic) about Global Warming effect (causes, extreme weather phenomena and ways of limiting the negative effects of the phenomenon).

Team: Pluri-lingual learning for Global Warming
Team members
Drepanidou Eleni, Rosidou DimitraMembers roles and background
We worked as a team in order to choose the subject of our solution and we discussed about the possible activities. We came up with a lot of ideas and then we searched for different online platforms until we found the best “environment” for our solution. We chose Learning Apps and h5p.
Eleni created two interactive activities about “The effects of global warming on the environment and the extreme weather phenomena” at the online platforms Learning Apps and h5p.
Dimitra chose from YouTube the video about Global Warming -with the assent of Eleni- and added interactions (key-words about the subject at the six different languages we chose) through h5p platform. She created the three following activities at Learning Apps and Power Point about the causes of global warming effect and the last interactive activity at Learning Apps about the ways for limiting the negative activities of this phenomenon.
We are carrying out our first semester at the Postgraduate Studies Program “Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies in the French and European Environment” at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Team mentor was Associate Professor Evangelia Mousouri, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Katerina Zourou hosted the event, provided general framework for Citizen Science and assisted with technical support on Slack.
Contact details
Solution description
- We are treating with the subject of “Global warming”. We are presenting different aspects of the phenomenon by creating different plurilingual activities. More specifically, we treat with the sub-unit “Causes of the phenomenon” by presenting a video and creating three following activities. Subsequently, we present the sub-unit entitled “The effects of global warming on the environment and the extreme weather phenomena” via two interactive activities. Finally, we propose another plurilingual activity so that we can highlight different ways of limiting the negative effects of the phenomenon. We mainly use the online platform of LearningApps.org and h5p.org. It is an innovative, interesting and interactive solution, which combines language and environmental awareness.
Solution context
We try to show to our students that they can understand words at different languages, which they don’t know, through interactive activities and at the same time they learn about a serious environmental problem, global warming.
We mainly work on the thorny and current issue of the Global warming. We could recently attend “26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 13 November 2021” which “Uniting the world to tackle climate change”. Concerning this, we would like to inform, sensitize, and stimulate youth.
Solution target group
Working on our ideas and creating our activities, we imagine junior high school students as an ideal target group for this solution.
Solution impact
We think that our solution can be really useful both for teacher and students, because they can learn about an environmental phenomenon in an interesting way and they also understand how many similarities do the languages have.
Solution tweet text
Teenagers take the solution to global warming into their own hands using plurilingual activities.Solution innovativeness
Introducing plurilingual interactive activities with a subject concerning our planet and our awareness raising is innovating and mainly inventive. Someone could also characterize it as “avant-garde”! It could be both very stimulating and inspiring for the youth.
Solution transferability
Generally speaking, our interactive, plurilingual activities could be an ideal solution for either class lessons or private lessons. The subject of Global Warming effect could be ideal activity for an environmental education class. Also, the video and the activities could be used separately and with different emphasis on vocabulary, they can be part of language learning exercises for a variety of language levels.
Solution sustainability
- We think that we can continue working at this solution and creating new activities and games in the near future. We can, also, extend our subject to other environmental problems.
Solution team work
We worked really well as a team and we can cooperate in the future. Exchanging ideas via Viber and Slack proves to be very productive and mainly facilitates the collaboration! Our experience proves to be above all, a very useful and pleasant experience!