Low health literacy in childhood & adolescence,fundamental period for creating healthy behaviors.In daily practice, training is often given in an obsolete & unsuitable way for the current digital generation, and access to scientifically questionable information, creating a vehicle for disinformation
Team: The Health Ladies
Team members
Diana Tavares, Manuela Amorim, Maria do Céu Lamas & Marlene MotaMembers roles and background
They are all professors at School of Health from Polythecnic of Porto from the fields of Clinical Analysis and Public Health and from Neurophysyiology.
We have a lot of experience on health awareness campaigns and health promotion activities.
Contact details
Solution description
Health education digital and interactive platform.
Solution context
There are currently several references regarding low indicators in general health and the exponential increase in risk behaviour (including in developed countries), thus facing a public health problem that may jeopardize the survival of the species given the economic burden. Costs that it can create in the State and consequently in each of the taxpayers. On the other hand, easy and unregulated access to information available to everyone with a simple click creates bias and can exacerbate the problem instead of minimizing it. It should be noted that intervention at the level of primary health care and health promotion creates a privileged link to emphasize the assumption of healthy and environmentally sustainable behaviours (eg, environmentally sustainable food, reduction of light and noise pollution,…).
Solution target group
Childhood and adolescence.
Solution impact
In a first phase and in a more global way, it is possible to measure the number of daily and monthly accesses to the platform, , number of information sharing (new accesses), number of interactions on the platform and improve search engine optimization. In a more advanced stage, literacy is measured through surveys and, in a smaller sample, long-term monitoring the behaviour and habits. We intend to use different dissemination facilitators to promote our platform as public and private schools, health centers and town halls.
Solution tweet text
We aspire to increase health literacy levels in children and adolescents through the creation of an interactive and dynamic platform that provide health content in an attractive and appropriate way for this population: Press Health and Save You, the Other and the World.Solution innovativeness
Reliable content in an appealing format, adjusted to the population in digital format (audio-visual through stories and cartoons to create more impact), with a dynamic aspect through serious games, window of opportunity for users to suggest topics to be addressed, daily pop-ups with news, fake news alerts, possibility to subscribe a newsletter among others.
Solution transferability
Yes! Platform that can be adjusted to different content areas, maintaining the dynamics and interaction with the user, as already explained.
Solution sustainability
Project to be developed relying with students volunteering in the field of health, digital/computer engineering, media/art and foreign language (supervised by professors and health professionals). The award will allow to support the platform, in the medium term, and non-profit sponsors in the long term.
Solution team work
Great! We are already a team!