Our challenge, your solutions
Enabling women get access to education through digital means
Enabling women get access to education through digital means no matter what their financial situation is

Team members
Mehreen, Maheen, Zahra, Haris, Afeera, Iqra, MariaContact details
Solution description
We have designed a website which is accessible on all devices. All those wishing to attain high education can login into out site. Those who do not have access to such devices can visit their nearest center (built by us) where a supervisor will be present to help them navigate through the website.
Solution context
Literacy rates of women in Pakistan are extremely low. Those that do go to school end up dropping out and barely any females get to complete their education.
Solution target group
Underprivileged women will be affected the most. They will have a place close to their home where they can go for one on one learning. Any problems they face will be sorted out by the supervisor. Any parent concerned about the girls safety can accompany them to the community center.
Solution impact
It will impact the number of girls going to school at all grade levels. It will be measured by observing admission rates of schools close to areas with shockingly low literacy rates
Solution tweet text
A simple website available on all devices, and public PCs in centers which are built by us. This applies for women who are unable to afford such devices. They can come and choose their preferred curriculum. Any assistance will be given by supervisors in the centersSolution innovativeness
There might be several websites helping people attain quality education however not all those websites are available for free and with all the resources. Our website will be available on devices, installed by us, in community centers. moreover, we will also offer round the clock assistance to all those who face difficulties in navigating our website or understanding certain concepts. These will be available to underprivileged women, a class of society that's often neglected.
Solution transferability
Our community centers can be used to do research or any work that is not related to our website. Women or others can come there to take a break, read a book online or even just ask the supervisor for advice on how to do stuff on their own.
Solution sustainability
We have gotten two sponsors who are willing to contribute to this cause. Sever other organizations such as UNICEF are also part of our long term plan. We will start off small and install our websites and build community center in one areas where we will measure it's success. After seeing the results we will reach out to more organizations and ask people to promote our cause. We guarantee the safety of our users be it cyber or physical. We will use high-class software and a create a safe learning environment to do so.
Solution team work
We had some differences in the start and our ideas clashed in several places but we all talked it out and managed to reach middle ground. Overall, we were all very satisfied with our outcome and I think we all realized that each persons ideas helped make our product better.