Digitally Literate Women for a Better Future!
WoTech allows women to learn basic English language and digital literacy which can broader the perspective of opportunities to them and allow them to earn and grow by developing their skills and create self earning grounds.
Team: WoTech
Team members
Sidra, Noushad, Nimra, Maryam, Dua, FarihaContact details
Solution description
The tool which we have created is WoTech which a user friendly application with simple and easy user interface that allows uneducated or less educated women to use it easy and the main feature is that we have used regional language which a user can understand easily and then be directed. we have provided English language course, skill development course, basic digital literacy and Social media tools for self earning which can be essential for women to to spread the wings of opportunities digitally and can create a road to a positive quality of life for themselves and for their kids and family. This is a platform of equity for women.
Solution context
Adult housewife women who are only be restricted to earning and learning opportunities because of lack in education and also struggling to survive with confidence in this digital world.
Solution target group
Adult Housewife women is our target, we are creating possibilities of learning for them so they may able to learn digital tools and basic English Language so they can use digital apps for their earing purposes online and also improve self learning skills.
Solution impact
Our product is collecting online users data along with tracking the progress report in the back, with that we created a call center assistance which can check the progress and the current level of the user. our professionals will also guide them that from where the user can start their first gig for online earning.
Solution tweet text
Our goal is to create possibility, success stories, confident grounds for the women, our aim is to empower, motivate and emphasize the role of the women in our society, our vision believes in the beauty of equity which both genders deserves, our motive is to elevate the women.Solution innovativeness
Ideas are like a caterpillar which can belong to the same type but every caterpillar has its unique color and transformation, we do believe that ideas like ours can be found in the market but the goal and the objective we are trying to achieve is making us distinctive from others, our idea and our solution is unique because it is allowing women to seek new possibilities but also reshaping the ideology and stereotypes of our society where we are trying to bloom the flower of equity and giving ground to women to stand confident and independent. we are not giving education but literacy which may help them to get self-educated with their own ways we are making housewives to walk and they able to run by themselves.
Solution transferability
Women empowerment can be a other domain which we can adopt, many women are restricted to go out and not allowed to work outside, digital platforms can help them to spread wings in their own secure nest. they can work from home and can easily run their business.
Solution sustainability
We have a plan for observing monthly statistics and redefine our targets that to how many women we have empowered and allow them to bring new changes in their lives. at least in initial rounds of months we may have a figure of 100 women that we need to empower.
Solution team work
The team was amazing, every single individual had a passion and enthusiasm in the project, we are we happy to work as a same team again.