We help students discover their undiscovered potential.
How to easily find bright motivated students for events and competitions? We introduce an online platform where students compete by solving problems and get a chance to be selected by their institutions, organisations and countries for various national or international events.

Team: Planophore
Team members
Asif Mammadov, Eyvaz Ahmadzada, Laman JalilovaMembers roles and background
Asif Mammadov - Full-stack developer. Worked on designing the functionality and implementation of the application.
Eyvaz Ahmadzada - Full-stack developer. Worked on the outlook of the platform and implementation of the application.
Laman Jalilova - Business manager. Worked on a business part and presentation of the project.
Solution description
This is a web-based online platform. Students create an account and start doing various tests provided by the platform by specifying the subject (like math, physics, biology, informatics, etc.). By completing the test, they are going to get scores and place them on the leaderboard. The best students could be selected by educational authorities to participate in events (e.g. to represent the country on the International olympiad) or even get hired.
This platform is a unique opportunity for students to both get introduced to competitions (only a few students get selected to represent their school in olympiads not giving a chance to others to try themselves) and find bright students that were undiscovered in less known schools (in regions, for example).
The project success is defined by the number of students that will join the platform, the region they join from (thus effectively covering smaller, less developed regions of the country), and particularly the future achievements of the best students on our platform after being selected by some interested organizations.
The project will endorse the benefits of digital education by allowing students from less developed regions and schools to participate in the global competition. These students will get a chance to present their knowledge and talent to others, opening new opportunities for them and the community by participating in various domestic and international events.
Solution context
As we know, not all students get the equal opportunities during their school years. Some are studying at schools that provide lower quality of education and less capabilities to provide more opportunities to their students. Some are living in distant regions where schools lack the amenities of capital city schools. The bright students from these schools might never get noticed by educational institutions that are constantly looking for talents to represent them at various events and competitions. Our platform will help to facilitate the discovery of these students giving them a chance to show their talent to others and get noticed.
Solution target group
The main target group of our project is school students, however, anyone interested in science can register and start solving challenges on our platform. The students would get a free resource to practice their problem solving skills while the best ones will have a chance to be selected to other competitions by educational institutions.
Organizations and educational institutions will find a pool of undiscovered talents that they could support and send to events and competitions.
Solution impact
The project could solve a bunch of problems. It would allow underprivileged students (those are living in remote places, less developed schools, etc.) to have equal opportunities in competition with other, more lucky students. In addition, many students would be able to discover their talents and ignite the interest in selected disciplines. Various educational institutions would have access to the pool of passionate and talented students facilitating the tasks for talent search programs.
Solution tweet text
Talent Trigger - a platform that brings students regardless of the educational institutions they study at to show their talents to the world by putting knowledge into practice.Solution innovativeness
There is no doubt that the web is full of resources that students can use in order to test their knowledge or to get better at a subject. But the problem is that there isn’t a platform or application that unites this content. Additionally, the concept of the competition on scientific subjects in our platform makes it different from other solutions. For example, Hackerrank is a great platform for programmers to improve their coding skills and to get attention from big companies. But there isn’t a platform for people interested in Math, Chemistry, Physics or other subjects where they can practice and stand out in terms of their knowledge at the same time. Therefore, our platform is quite innovative as it gives students the chance to be recognized by prestigious institutions just by solving problems on the subjects they know best.
Solution transferability
The platform could be enlarged to be the source with articles and educational material on various subjects. The platform could be turned to the community hub where new ideas are shared, people get connected, etc. The type of competitions are flexible too. Institutions themselves could organize a competition with prizes and winners. The submissions could be different: tests, research articles and so on. Furthermore, the fact that experienced educators will be able to add new challenges and questions to the platform will make our application a new source for the educational institutions to use as a reference while preparing questions for the exams they organize.
Solution sustainability
As the first version of the project will be a web application and we are experienced in this area thanks to the projects that we have worked on for the last a few years, we are most likely not going to face a lot of challenges in the implementation part. Once we develop and release the first version, we will work on adding more features and improvements in order to make the application more interactive. In the long term, we are planning to build mobile versions for both Android and IOS for making the platform more accessible.
Solution team work
After defining and polishing our idea, we started dividing our tasks. Laman worked on the business part of the project, doing market research and pitch. Asif was designing the functionality of the application. Meanwhile, Eyvaz prepared the outlook of the platform. They both then started working on different components of the app. We were working together, making decisions about certain nuances, and approving each other's vision.